300 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 24, 1749.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 23
to set a Value on all foreign Gold, below that of the current Value
in Great-Britain; was read and referred to the Consideration of
next Assembly.
The Petition of Araminta Macky, Widow, was referred to the
Consideration of next Assembly.
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.
June 24
Saturday Morning, June 24, 1749.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all apppeared as yesterday The Proceedings of yesterday
were read.
An Ingrossed Bill entituled, An Act impowering certain Persons
to vend and dispose of Lands in Somerset County, &c. was read and
assented to, and sent to the Upper House, with the Paper Bill, by
Mr. Waggaman and Col. Scarborough.
Major Sheredine, from the Committee appointed to inspect the
Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Paper Cur-
rency, delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report; viz. (See
page 227)
p. 880
Daniel Dulany, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Bill entituled, An Act to prevent Non-Residents from
hunting within this Province, &c. Indorsed, " By the Upper House
of Assembly, read the second Time, and will pass with the follow-
ing Amendments: Instead of the Words to be applied towards the
County Charge where the Offence happens, in 3d and 4th Lines of
2d Page, put these Words, to the Use of the Lord Proprietary, for
the Support of Government. After the Word half, in 7th Line of
the last Page, put these Words, to the Use of the Lord Proprietary
for the Support of Government, instead of to the Use of the Public
School, in the County where such Offence shall be committed."
Which Amendments were here read, and to which this House would
not agree.
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the several Paper Bills (the Ingrossed Bills of which were
assented to by both Houses) , severally Indorsed, " The Ingrossed
Bill, whereof this is the Original, is read and assented to by the
Upper House of Assembly."
Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker
the Journal of Accounts, and the following Message; viz. (See
page 229)
Mr. Young, Receiver of the Quit Rents for Baltimore County,
was called to the Bar of the House, and Mr. Speaker acquainted him
with the following Resolve; viz.