L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 22
Deputy Commissary of Somerset County, the 19th of May, 1749,
fully appears.
Your Committee further find, that the said Woney M'Clemey was
and is still indebted unto sundry the Creditors signing the said Peti-
tion, and others, upon Bond and simple Contracts, the Sum of 226 1.
5 s. 21/2 d. current Money, exclusive of Interest; which Bonds and
Contracts appear to us legally proved.
And we also find a Bond of the said Woney's passed to Mr.
Thomas Lambden, for 30 l. 5 s. Currency, Principal; which Bond
does not appear to be proved: And that he died possessed of the
three Tracts of Land, as mentioned in the Petition, amounting to
300 Acres.
All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of your Hon-
ourable House.
Darby Lux,
Daniel Sulivane,
Walter Dulany,
The House concurs with the Report, and Leave is given to the
Petitioners therein mentioned to bring in a Bill according to Prayer
of the Petition.
Col. Henry, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act for dividing Stepney Parish, in
Somerset and Worcester Counties, and for erecting a Parish out of
the same, called by the Name of Cumberland Parish; which was read
the first and second Time by especial Order, and passed, and was
sent to the Upper House by Capt. Handy and Major Selby.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Bill entituled, A Supplementary Act to an Act entituled, An Act
for the Ease of the Inhabitants, in examining Evidences relating to
the Bounds of Lands, and in the Manner of obtaining Injunctions ;
which was read the first and second Time by especial Order, passed,
and was sent to the Upper House by Mr. Sulivane and Mr. Oldham.
Daniel Dulany, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Bill entituled, An Act to oblige Owners and Overseers
of Iron- Works, &c. Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly,
read the second Time and will pass, with the following Amend-
ments: Instead of the Word all in the 4th Line, between suffer and
labouring, put one Labourer out of every ten: After the Word send
in the loth Line, put one tenth: And the Proviso to be left out."
Which Amendments were here read, and to which this House
would not agree.