L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 21
The Bill entituled, An Act for the building a Chapel of Ease in
the upper Part of Stepney Parish, in Worcester County; and to
impower the raising and levying a Quantity of Tobacco for that
Purpose; was read the second Time, and passed :
The Bill entituled, An Act for dividing Part of Stepney Parish
lying in Somerset County, and for adding such Part, when so di-
vided, to Somerset Parish in said County; was read the second Time,
and passed :
Which Bills were sent to the Upper House by Col. Robert Jenckins
Henry and Col. Scarborough.
Col. John Henry delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report ;
p. 871
July i, 1748.
In Pursuance of an Order of both Houses of Assembly, bearing
Date at the City of Annapolis, the I4th Day of May last past, met
at the main Branch of Nanticoke River, called the North-East
Branch, Bartholomew Ennalls, Isaac Nicholls, John Henry, John
Scarborough, Benjamin Handy, George Dashiel, named in the said
Order; who were authorized, impowered, and appointed to settle
the Bounds between Dorchester and Worcester Counties; and they
having considered and enquired into the Premises, from the Inhabi-
tants living adjacent thereto, They determine the Branch running up
to the Widow Ownis, lately the Wife of William Ownis, and from
thence up the main Branch between John Merriott and Edward
Burris, to be the Division between the two Counties of Dorchester
and Worcester, as aforesaid. All which we humbly certify to the
Honourable Houses of Assembly for their Approbation and Con-
firmation: In Testimony of which we have put our Hands, the Day
and Year aforesaid.
B. Ennalls, John Scarborough,
Isaac Nicolls, Benja. Handy,
J. Henry, Geo. Dashiel.
Which was read, and referred for Consideration the next Session
of Assembly.
Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee appointed to enquire into
the Allegations and Matters contained in the Petition of Jacob
Holland, Richard Gott, and Richard Holland, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the following Report; viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the Lower House
of Assembly, to enquire into the Allegations and Matters contained
in the Petition of Jacob Holland, Richard Gott, and Richard Hol-
land, June 21, 1749.
Your Committee, upon Enquiry into the several Matters set forth
in the Petition aforesaid, do find the Patent of Holland's Choice,
containing 580 Acres, dated the 12th of May, 1679, and lying in