Parties and Divisions, and hindering an Union of Interests and
Councils, the only sure Preservative of the common Good; and must
be of the greatest ill Consequence, by encouraging the labouring
Part of his Lordship's Tenants to idle away that Time at such En-
tertainments, and waste and exhaust that Spirit and Vigour with
such strong and spirituous Liquors, which ought to be spent for the
Benefit of themselves and their Families in particular, and employed
for the Advantage of Society in general: But the Ways and Means
for preventing these impending Dangers, and for eradicating these
spreading Evils, which if suffered any longer to grow and spread,
may in Time have a great Tendency to destroy the Freedom and
Independance of the most valuable Branch of our Constitution, is
humbly submitted to the mature Consideration and wise Determi-
nation of your Honourable House.
Signed per Order, Tho. Harwood, junior, Cl. Com.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 17
On reading the said Report, the House concurs therewith.
George Plater, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of Mordecai Booth, of the Colony of Virginia,
Merchant, on Behalf of himself and his Partner William Westwood,
praying a Drawback of the Duties paid, or secured to be paid, on
forty Negroes, imported into this Province; which were afterwards
exported within the Time limited by Act of Assembly: Indorsed,
" Referred by the Upper House to the Consideration of the Lower
On motion that a Bill be brought in, to prevent the Inhabitants of
Virginia and Pennsylvania from hunting in the Back Woods; Leave
is given. Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and
bring in a Bill accordingly.
Mr. Robert Lloyd, from the Committee appointed to make Ex-
tracts from the Land-Office, &c. delivers to Mr. Speaker the follow-
ing Report; viz.
By the Committee appointed to make Extracts out of the Land-Office,
from the Lord Proprietary's Grants.
Your Committee having examined sundry Grants made at differ-
ent Periods, from the Year 1636 to the Year 1746, do find the Rent
reserved to the Proprietary to be expressed in the following Manner :
ist, In a Grant to John Lewger, dated the 5th of December, 1636,
for 300 Acres, 'tis thus expressed: He yielding and paying six Shil-
lings in Money Sterling, or the Commodities of the Country, at the
Feast of the Nativity of our Lord.
2dly, In a Grant made the 10th of November, 1654, to Robert
Cole, for 100 Acres, 'tis said; Under the usual Rent of two Shil-
lings Sterling for the said 100 Acres.
p. 866