L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 2
Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do issue a separate Sum-
mons for the Sheriffs of Kent, Dorchester, and Calvert Counties,
to attend at the Bar of this House on Friday the 9th Day of June
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Bill entituled, An Act to abolish June County Courts, &c.
was read the second Time and will pass, and was sent to the Upper
House by Mr. Bordley and Mr. Benjamin Mackall.
Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to
Mr. Speaker the Bill entituled, An Act for issuing Writs of Re-
plevin, &c. Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, Read the
second Time, and will not pass.
" Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Petition of Jacob Holland, Richard Gott, and Richard Holland,
praying to have Leave to bring in a Bill to cut off the Entail of Part
of a Tract of Land, called Holland's Choice, &c. a Petition of the
Rector, Vestrymen, and Churchwardens, and Parishioners of Som-
erset Parish in Somerset County, and some of the Inhabitants within
the Bounds of Stepney Parish; a Petition of the Vestry and Church-
wardens of Stepney Parish in Somerset County, and sundry of the
Inhabitants of the said Parish; and a Petition of the Inhabitants of
the upper Part of Stepney Parish, lying in Worcester County, pray-
ing to have the aforesaid Parishes divided, as in the said Petitions
described; a Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, and Churchwardens,
and other the Inhabitants of St. Paul's Parish in Baltimore County,
praying Leave to bring in a Bill to have the Quantity of 40000 lb.
of Tobacco levied and assessed on the taxable Inhabitants of the
said Parish, &c. Indorsed severally, " By the Upper House, referred
to the Consideration of the Lower House."
Which Petitions were severally read here, and ordered to lie on
the Table.
Edmund Jenings, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of several of the Inhabitants of Charles County,
praying to have a Warehouse at Alien's Fresh, &c. a Petition of
Mrs. Catharine Pritchard, praying Relief against a certain Rebecca
Tilly, who administred on her Husband's Estate; and a Petition of
Hugh Jones, Rector of St. Stephen's Parish in Caecil County, pray-
ing to have a Square of four Acres of the Glebe Land of the said
Parish transferred to him, &c. Which Petitions were severally re-
ferred by the Upper House to the Consideration of the Lower
House; and were here read, and ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.