Manner; and I am persuaded this Method, so agreeable to, and con-
firmed by repeated Usage, will never be thought to affect any real
Privilege of your House, or the Rights of those you represent.
Sam. Ogle.
The Petition of John Darnall, on Behalf of himself and others,
Freeholders in Frederick County, complaining of an undue Elec-
tion and Return for the said County, preferred to this House, was
read; and on Consideration thereof, Ordered, That the Clerk of
this House do issue Summons for Mr. Reverdee Ghiselin, Deputy
Clerk of the said County, to attend at the Bar of this House on
Thursday next, as a Witness to prove the Facts therein contained ;
and to bring with him a Copy, from the Records of the Proceedings
at March Court last, held for that County; as also of the Proceed-
ings at the late Election for that County; and a Copy of the Pro-
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 26
ceedings at the Court held for Proclamation of the Writ of Elec-
tion, and a Copy of the Commission to the Justices of the said
County, by which they qualified as Magistrates; all under Seal of
the County aforesaid.
It being moved that the Clerk of this House be sent to his Excel-
lency the Governor, with two Members, for Approbation, and to be
qualified in the Upper House; Ordered, That Col. Hooper and Col.
Scarborough go (with Mr. Macnemara) to acquaint the Governor,
that the Lower House of Assembly had chose him for Clerk, and
to desire his Excellency's Approbation, and to see him qualified.
They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker that they delivered the
Message to the Governor; who signified that he approved the Choice,
and that they saw the Clerk qualified, by taking the usual Oaths to
the Government, and the following Oath of Office; viz.
You Michael Macnemara do swear, that as Clerk of the Lower
House of Assembly, you shall true Entries make of all such Matters
and Things, as by the Honourable Speaker for the Time being, and
that House, shall be to you directed; the Secrets of the said House
you shall not divulge, to the Prejudice of the House, or any Mem-
ber thereof; but shall in all Things, as Clerk to the said House, well
and truly demean yourself, according to the best of your Knowl-
ege. So help you God.
The Petition of sundry the Inhabitants of St. Mary's County, in
Behalf of themselves and others, Freeholders, Freemen, and Voters,
in the said County, preferred to this House, complaining of an
undue Election and Return for the said County, was read. Ordered,
That the same be heard at the Bar of this House on Thursday the
8th Day of June next; and that the Petitioners, and all Parties con-
cerned, do apply to the Clerk for Summons's for Witnesses.
The Representation and Petition of sundry the Freeholders, and
others, residing on the North Side of Elk River in Caecil County,
p. 840