Rules have, by his Majesty and his royal Ancestors, and also by his
Lordship and his noble Ancestors, or some of them, been hitherto
approved, by having the Commissions of Judicature, to include Di-
rections of that Nature to the several Judicial Magistrates; unless
those Words have at any Time been casually or carelessly omitted
by the Officers in this Province, that drew such Commissions.
Ordered, That Mr. Worthington do acquaint the Reverend Mr.
Andrew Lendrum, that he is desired by this House to read Divine
Service Morning and Evening, during this Session.
Mr. Robert Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to
Mr. Speaker the following Ingrossed Address; viz.
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle, Esq; Governor of Maryland;
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Excellency,
We his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates
of the Freemen of the Province of Maryland, in Assembly con-
vened, return your Excellency our sincere Thanks for that just Re-
gard you are pleased to express in your Speech at the Opening of
this Session, for the Rights and Privileges of the People of Mary-
land. And we beg your Excellency to rest assured, that we shall
give the subject Matter of your Excellency's Speech so full and
serious a Consideration, and come to such impartial Determination
thereon, as we hope will satisfy every reasonable Man, that we have
the same just Sense of, and Regard for, the real Rights of the Gov-
ernment, that your Excellency has for the Rights and Privileges of
•the People; both which were established for no other End but their
Which was read, assented to, and signed on Behalf of the House
by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Col. Hooper and Col. Robert Henry do acquaint
the Governor, that this House hath prepared an Address to him, and
desires to know when and where he will please to receive it: They
return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that the Governor was pleased
to signify that he was ready to receive the Address immediately in
the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Col. Sprigg, with fourteen more, do present the
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
Mr. Benjamin Mackall appeared in the House.
Col. Hooper acquaints Mr. Speaker, that Mr. Denton, Mr. Rich-
ard Dorsey, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Tyler, and Mr. Harwood, were quali-
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 25