to his Excellency & Council to acquaint them that this house had
made Choice of Richard Dallam for their Clerk & Pray his Excel-
lencys approbation and that he may be qualified accordingly they
return and say they delivered their Message & that his Excellency
will send an Answer Presently
The Honourable Kenelmn Cheseldine Esqr from the Council en-
ters the house and acquaints Mr Speaker that his Excellency and
Council desires this house to explain themselves whether they sent
Richard Dallam to his Excellency for his Approbation as Clerk of
this house and then withdrew
Thereupon the following Message was sent to his Excellency
and Council by Mr Hunt & Mr Vanderheyden
By the house of Delegates 28 September 1708
The house humbly recommend Richard Dallam to his Excellency
for his approbation to be their Clerk
Thomas Smithson, Speaker.
To his Excellency the Governor & the Honble her Majesty's Council
in Assembly
Mr Cheseldine from the Council enters the house and delivers
Mr Speaker the following Message.
By the Governor & Council in Assembly 28 September 1708
Mr Speaker Tho we are well Satisfied it is her Majestys Preroga-
tive to appoint Proper Officers to attend the Assembly and that you
have no right to Election of any but what shall be Approved of by
this Board, we are willing rather than the Countrys Business should
be delayed to admit of the Clerk nominated by you Pro hac Vice
(salvo Jure) but resent it that you Rejected the Clerk appointed by
his Excellency without giving any Reason
Signed p Order Evan Jones Ct Conn.
Thereupon Col Coode and Captain Franklyn were sent up to the
Council together with the said Richard Dallam to his Excellency &
Council with the following Message