Col King and Dr Carrol from the Lower house acquaint His Ex-
cellency that there is a sufficient Number of Members met to make
a house and wait his Excellencys Commands
Richard Lee and Benedict Calvert Esqrs are sent to acquaint the
Lower house His Excellency requires their immediate Attendance
in the Upper house
The Lower house attend and his Excellency is pleased to make
the following speech
Gentlemen of the Lower house of Assembly
As you thought Proper at our last meeting to depart from the
usual Method of Presenting your Clerk to the Governor for Appro-
bation, a Short Recess became necessary that nothing might be Pre-
cipitated in an Affair that you Apprehended concerned your Privi-
leges which you may be assured I shall always think myself Obliged
to Maintain with the same Zeal as if I was a Member of your house,
and I make no doubt that you will have the same Regard for the
just Rights of the Crown which are Established for no other End
but the happiness of the People.
And indeed every good Englishman must be pleased to think that
by the British Constitution the Liberties of the People and Proro-
gation of the Crown are ascertained by such just and known Bounds,
as mutually to support each other, and prevent the Confusion that
might otherwise follow an unreasonable desire of Power, in what-