148 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
sioners ap-
pointed, &c.]
hereby appointed Commissioners, and as such, they, or the major
Part of them, are, by Virtue of this Act, authorized and impowered
to meet at Prince Frederick Town, the Place where the late Court-
House did stand, on or before the First Day of September next, and
then and there to treat and agree with Undertakers or Workmen to
build and finish a Court-House for the said County, of good Brick
or Stone, and of the same Dimensions and Form with that lately
burnt, and to set the same, or cause the same to be set, on or near the
same Place where the former Court-House lately stood; and that
after the finishing and compleating of the said Court-House so to be
built as aforesaid, Calvert County Court shall be held in such new
Court-House, and such new Court-House shall be taken, held and
deemed to be the proper Court-House of Calvert County.
[500 l. for a
Goal to be
And whereas by the Act entituled, An Act for emitting and
making current Ninety thousand Pounds, Current Money of Mary-
land, in Bills of Credit, among other Things it was Enacted, That
Five hundred Pounds in each respective County within this Prov-
ince, should be laid out in building convenient Goals in the respective
Counties, near and convenient to the several Court-Houses, under
the Direction and Appointment of the several Representatives of
the several Counties for the Time being. And whereas the said Five
hundred Pounds appropriated by the recited Act aforesaid, for the
building a convenient Goal in Calvert County aforesaid, hath not as
yet been taken out of the Office of the Commissioners or Trustees
for emitting the Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly for
the Purpose aforesaid, and that it is thought unnecessary by this
present General Assembly to have any Prison built for the County
aforesaid, until such Time as the Court-House for the said County
is finished and compleated ;
to the
Courts, &c.]
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners
aforesaid, or the major Part of them, to apply to and receive from
the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit estab-
lished by Act of Assembly, the said Sum of Five hundred Pounds
Current Money, now remaining in their Hands, and for the said
Commissioners or Trustees to pay the same to the Commissioners
aforesaid, or the major Part of them, or their Order; and that such
Sum, when so received by the Commissioners aforesaid, shall be by
them, or the major Part of them, applyed towards the building,
finishing and compleating the Court-House aforesaid, and not in
any other Manner, or to any other Use, Intent or Purpose what-
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when
the County Court-House for Calvert County is fully and com-
pleatly finished as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the