Acts. 141
Prince George's County, and made a Part of Charles County, and
that Prince George's County, after such Separation, will not only
be more Compact than it is at present, but would still retain a suffi-
cient Number of Taxables therein to defray the necessary Charges
thereof, it is therefore humbly prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That from and after the Tenth Day of December, in
the Year One thousand seven hundred and forty eight, the Land
lying at present in Prince George's County, and contained within the
Liber B. L. C.
Bounds following, viz. by a Line drawn from Mattawoman Run in
the Road commonly called the Rolling Road, that leads from the
late Dwelling Plantation of Mr. Edward Neale through the lower
Part of Mr. Peter Dent's Dwelling Plantation, until it strikes Poto-
mack River, at or near the bounded Tree of a Tract of Land
whereon John Beall Junior now lives (standing on the Bank of the
aforesaid River at the lower End of the aforesaid Beall's Planta-
tion) then with the River to the Mouth of Mattawoman Creek, shall
be and for ever hereafter deemed as a Part of Charles County, and
that the Inhabitants thereon already seated or that shall hereafter be
seated, shall be and are hereby declared to be the Inhabitants of
Charles County, and shall, by Virtue of this Act, be entituled to the
same Rights and Privileges within the said Charles County as other
the Inhabitants thereof now have or hereafter may have: Any Law,
Usage or Custom to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwith-
[Bounds and
Limits ascer-
Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall extend or
be construed to extend in any Manner, to hinder or debar any Per-
son or Persons from recovering their just and lawful Debts, Dues
or Demands whatsoever, or to stay or hinder any Prosecutions or
other Matters already begun, or that shall at any Time before the
said Tenth Day of December, in the Year One thousand seven hun-
dred and forty eight, be begun in Prince George's County Court
against any the Inhabitants included within the Bounds aforesaid,
but that such Prosecution or other Matter or Thing whatsoever may
[Proviso as
to Law-
be proceeded in in the same Manner as if this Act had never been
made; any thing therein contained or any other Law, Statute, Usage
or Custom to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
p. 448
Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted, That the Sheriff of
Prince George's County shall and may collect and receive the Public
and County Levies, and other Dues and Officers Fees which he was
impowered to do before the making this Act, at any Time before the
last Day of June, in the Year One thousand seven hundred and forty
nine, in such Manner and Form, by Execution or otherwise, as the
Case shall require, as if the said Part of Prince George's County
[Proviso as
to Sheriffs