138 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
A supplementary Act to the Act entituled, An Act to enable Com-
missioners to lay out forty Acres of Land into eighty Lots for a
Town on Indian River in Worcester County; as also forty Acres
of Land into eighty Lots at the Head of Asseteague Creek at a Place
commonly called the Trap for a Town; whereby the Surveyor of
Worcester County, for the Time being, was authorized, impowered
and obliged to lay out, stake, mark and number every Lot distinctly
in the Town called Newport Town in the County aforesaid, as well
as bound the Streets, Lanes and Alleys. And that the said Surveyor
should pay out of the Sum allowed him by the former Law for lay-
ing out the said Town, the several and respective Chain-Carriers,
that had been or should be employed, and further provided that the
several Matters and Things to be done by Virtue of the said Supple-
mentary Act should be finished and compleated on or before the
First Day of May, which should be in the Year Seventeen hundred
forty six; but that by sundry Delays, occasioned by Sickness of the
Commissioners and other unavoidable Accidents, the Time elapsed
before any thing could be done in Pursuance of the said Act, by
means whereof the Bounds of the said Town and Lots are still
uncertain. For Remedy whereof,
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That Master Samuel Hopkins, John Newble, John Evans,
Charles Ratcliff, Edward Franklin, Ebenezer Evans and John
Fossett, or the major Part of them, be and are hereby appointed
sioners ap-
Commissioners, and are, by Virtue of this Act, authorized and im-
powered, together with the Surveyor of the said County of Worces-
ter for the Time being, or any other Person skilled in surveying, to
lay out a-new the said Town called Newport Town, in such Manner
as to them the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, shall
seem meet; and that they the said Commissioners, or the major Part
of them, shall be and are by Virtue of this Act invested with the
same Powers and Authorities in laying out the said Newport Town
a-new, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as the
Commissioners were by the former Law invested.
p. 446
And be it further Enacted, That the Surveyor who shall by the
said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, so as aforesaid be
employed in laying out the said Town, shall be and he is hereby
obliged to lay out, stake, mark, and number every Lot distinctly in
the said Newport Town, when the same shall be laid out a-new by
the Commissioners aforesaid, as well as bound the Streets, Lanes
and Alleys in the said Town.
And be it further Enacted, That all the Privileges, Advantages
and Securities given by the afore-mentioned recited Acts to the said
Newport Town, shall remain and be, to all Intents and Purposes,