Strife agreeable to the Certificate aforesaid thereof to him the said
John Bradford and his Heirs, That after Obtaining the aforesaid
Patent by John Bradford as aforesaid the said Charles Carroll
Esquire by his Deed Poll bearing date on or about the seventh day
of September Seventeen Hundred and Thirty six and also duly
Acknowledged and Recorded amongst the Provincial Land Records
did for the Consideration of one Hundred and Eighty three Pounds
sixteen Shillings Sterling Assign and make over to him the said
Charles Carroll Surgeon his Heirs and Assigns (amongst other
things) All his the said Charles Carroll Esquire his Right and Estate
in and to the aforesaid Tract of Land called Strife in as full and
Ample manner as he the said Charles Carroll Esquire could or might
have held and Enjoyed the same by Virtue of the aforesaid Mort-
gage That by Indenture bearing Date on or about the Twentieth Day
of March Seventeen Hundred and Thirty six between the aforesaid
Charles Carroll Surgeon and the aforesaid John Bradford of the
one part and a Certain Daniel Carroll of Marlborough in Prince
Georges County aforesaid of the other part and Executed by both
the said Charles Carroll Surgeon and the aforesaid John Bradford
but Acknowledged only by the said Charles Carroll Surgeon and
duly Recorded amongst the Land Records of Prince Georges County
aforesaid the aforesaid Charles Carroll Surgeon for the Considera-
tion of One Hundred and twenty eight Pounds twelve Shillings and
six Pence Sterling to him paid by the said Daniel Carroll did (at the
Special Instance and Request of the aforesaid John Bradford testi-
fied by his being party thereto and his Sealing and Delivery of the
said Indenture) bargain and sell to the said Daniel Carroll his Heirs
and Assigns (amongst other things) the aforesaid Tract of Land
called Strife That the aforesaid Daniel Carroll by Indenture of Lease
and Release acknowledged and recorded and bearing Date respec-
tively on or about the twenty third and twenty fourth Days of
March Seventeen Hundred and forty two for the respective Con-
siderations of five Shillings Sterling and One Hundred and sixty
five Pounds Sterling did bargain sell and release to the aforesaid
Stephen Lewis his Heirs and Assigns forever the aforesaid Tract or
Parcel of Land called Strife, That the legal Estate and Interest in
the aforesaid Tract or Parcel of Land called Strife is by Virtue of
the Patent aforesaid so as aforesaid taken out in the Name of the
said John Bradford still Vested in the said Bradford in Fee notwith-
standing the aforesaid several Conveyances so as aforesaid. made of
the said Land contrary to the true intent and meaning of all Parties
to the same, That the several Sums of Consideration Money have
been Regularly and Bona fide paid and Satisfyed and the whole
Transaction is fair and upright without any Badges or Marks of
Fraud whatsoever And That the said John Bradford is now and has
for some time past been Absent out of this Province in Parts un-
known Wherefore it is Prayed that it may be Enacted And Be it
Liber B. L. C.