Acts. 133
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the sev-
eral Protestant Freeholders of that Part of Charles County, which
was lately in King and Queen Parish, at any Time between the First
Day of September next, and the Twentieth Day of the same Month,
Liber B. L. C.
of vestry-
men, &c. at
on public Notice being given them to meet at Newport Church, and
choose Eight competent Protestant Freeholders, Six of them to
serve as Vestrymen, and Two as Church-Wardens, who, when they
are so chosen, shall take the several Oaths to the Government, and
of Office, and may then proceed to execute all the Powers and dis-
charge the Duty of Vestrymen and Church- Wardens, according to
the Laws and Usage of this Province. And that from and after such
Election and Qualification, the same Persons shall, to all Intents and
Purposes, be a qualified Vestry, as much as if it was a full and com-
pleat Parish, and an Incumbent therein.
And whereas the several taxable Persons in that Part of Charles
County which was lately in King and Queen Parish, have formerly
paid the full Proportion of the Money expended for the Building
of the Brick Church at Chaptico in St. Mary's County, which is now
in King and Queen Parish, and many of the Inhabitants of Charles
County aforesaid have Pews or Parts of Pews in the same Church,
and that now it is thought reasonable that those People who have so
paid towards such Building should be reimbursed a Part of the same
Money so by them advanced ;
p. 442
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sum
of Two hundred twenty five Pounds sixteen Shillings Currency, be
levied by the Justices of St. Mary's County Court on the taxable
Inhabitants of King and Queen Parish, by three equal Assessments,
for collecting of which the Sheriff of St. Mary's County shall be
allowed the Sum of Five per Cent, thereon, and no more, and which
said Two hundred twenty five Pounds sixteen Shillings shall and
may be paid to the Order of the Vestrymen and Church- Wardens
of that Part of the said Parish which lyes in Charles County, to be
applied by them towards the Building a new Church in that Part of
the said Parish which is in Charles County aforesaid, when the same
shall become, by the Death or Removal of the said Mr. Urquhart,
a distinct Parish.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That those
Persons living in Charles County who are in Possession of any the
Pews in the said Church at Chaptico, shall, on their being repayed
by the Vestry and Church- Wardens of King and Queen Parish, the
Money they paid for such Pews or Parts of Pews, release their Right
to the said Pews or Parts of Pews; which Pews may afterwards be
disposed of, by the said Vestrymen and Church-Wardens, to any the
[225 l. 16 s.
to be levied
for building
a New