tices of Worcester County shall, upon the Application of the Ves-
trymen and Church-Wardens for the Time being of Worcester-
Parish, assess and levy on the taxable Inhabitants of the said two
Parishes of All-hallows and Worcester, a Quantity of Tobacco,
equal tu as well what is by this Act directed to be assessed and levied,
as also the further Quantity which shall appear to be now in the
Sheriff of Worcester's Hands, and which was intended as aforesaid
for the Repair of the present Church in All-hallows Parish, which
said Tobacco so levied and assessed (with the Sheriff's Salary of
Five per Cent, for Collection) shall be collected by the Sheriff of
Worcester County aforesaid, and by him paid to the Vestrymen and
Church-Wardens, or their Order, which shall be applied by them
towards erecting and building a Parish Church or Church and
Chapel in the new Parish of Worcester, in such Place as to them
shall seem most proper and convenient.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Quantities of Tobacco
last mentioned to be assessed, levied and collected, shall be made by
the same annual Proportions and Manner, as is directed to be made
in the Assessments for building the Church of All-hallows Parish,
and no otherwise.
And be it further Enacted. That the Vestrymen and Church-
Wardens, or the major Part of them, of the said new Parish of
Worcester, are hereby authorized and impowered to act and do in
every respect, as well in relation to the Sale of the Tobacco annually
to be collected, as well as every other Matter and Thing, as is by this
Act before given to the Vestrymen and Church-Wardens of All-
hallows Parish, or the major Part of them.
Liber B. L. C.