Liber B. L. C.
p. 436
ers for dividing St. Mary's County into four Parishes, and to erect
that Part of All-Faith and King and Queen Parish, lying in Charles
County, into a distinct Parish; whereby the Persons therein named,
or the major Part of them, were impowered to divide the said
County into four Parishes, to take Place as aforesaid; the major
Part of which Commissioners did proceed to do the Duty by the last
mentioned Act enjoined, and returned a fair Account thereof, as by
the said first-recited Act was directed, which appears by their said
Proceedings entered among the Records of the said County Court.
And whereas the Vestrymen and Church-Wardens and several other
of the Inhabitants of King and Queen Parish aforesaid, by their
humble Petition to this present General Assembly, have set forth
and made appear, that the Line, which by the said Proceedings of
the Commissioners aforesaid, was directed to run from Major
Barnes's Mill, by the Plantation, and near the Dwelling-House of
Dennis Tippetts, as the dividing Line between the said King and
Queen and All-Faiths Parish, and which has been lately run, and
appears to be North forty two Degrees and a half West, to the Ex-
tremity of the said County, does not leave to the said King and
Queen Parish a proportionable Number of taxable Inhabitants of
the said County, as was by the first recited Act directed, but that
if the Line from Major Barnes's Mill was, instead of running as
aforesaid, enacted to run North thirty six Degrees West, those
Families which have for a very long Time been in the said Parish
would remain so, and the Petitioners have in their Parish about a
fourth Part of the Taxables within the said County and All-Faith
Parish, be on Mr. Urquhart's Death as good to his Successor as that
of King and Queen; And have therefore prayed that it may be
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Author-
ity of the same, That from and after the Death or Removal of the
Rev. Mr. Urquhart, present Incumbent of All-Faith Parish, the said
[King &
Queen and
All Faith
Parishes to
be divided.]
Parishes of King and Queen and All-Faith be divided by a Line to
run from the said Major Barnes his Mill North thirty six Degrees
West, to the Extremity of said County, and not by the Lines men-
tioned in the Proceedings of the said Commissioners. And that
such Line shall, from and after the Death or Removal of the said
Mr. Urquhart, be and remain the dividing one between the said
Parishes for ever.
And in order to make the two Parishes of All-Faith and King
and Queen severally compleat, on the Death or Removal of the
Rev. Mr. Urquhart, if either of them should happen during the Life
of the Rev. Mr. Debutts; It is also prayed that it may be enacted,