118 Assembly Proceedings, May 1--June 11, 1748.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 11
p. 801
Benedict Calvert Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to Mr
Speaker the Bill entituled, an Act for altering and establishing cer-
tain Warehouses &c. and the following Message (See page 51)
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment, the Question was put,
whether the House agrees to the third alteration proposed by the
upper House, to the Bill, entituled, An Act for altering and estab-
lishing certain Warehouses, and for other purposes therein men-
tioned; or not.
Resolved unanimously, not to agree to the alteration, the Ques-
tion was put, whether a Message shall be prepared and Sent to the
Upper House to enforce the Message Sent from this House to the
Upper House this Day relating to the alteration proposed by the
Upper House to the Bill entituled, An Act for altering and estab-
lishing certain Warehouses, and for other purposes therein men-
tioned; or not. Resolved in the affirmative. Colo Hammond, from
the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker the following Message.
(See page 52)
p. 802
The following Message being prepared (See page 53)
It was moved, that the foregoing Message be presented by Mr
Speaker, Attended by the whole House And being so resolved,
Mr Speaker left the Chair and attended by all the Members went
to the upper House, and presented the said Message
p. 803
Mr Speaker with the Members returned, and resumed the Chair,
Daniel Dulany Esqr from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker
the following Message (See page 54)
On reading the Message aforesaid, the Question was put, Whether
the Bill Entituled, An Act for altering and establishing certain
Warehouses, and for other purposes therein mentioned, shall pass,
without the following Clause, Viz. and whereas by the said recited
Act it is Enacted, That all Debtors, at the Time of making the said
Act, owing Tobacco, their Executors, and Administrators, should
if they paid their Tobacco Debts then due in Inspected Tobacco at
Warehouses, in pursuance of the said recited Act, be allowed by
their several and respective Creditors, their Executors, or adminis-
trators a Deduction of one fourth part of their Debts or Demands.
And it being represented to this present General Assembly, that
many [of] the people within this Province, in order to evade the true
Intent and Meaning of the said Act, have Since the making thereof,
made new contracts with their Debtors, by taking obligations, or
other securities, for such their Debts: Be it Enacted and declared
by the Authority aforesaid. That in all Cases where any Creditor
or Creditors have since the making of the said recited Act, taken or