116 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 10
Benedict Calvert Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to Mr
Speaker the Bill entituled An Act to enable the Justices of Pr Georges
County to raise 54000 lb Tobacco &c Indorsed, By the upper House
of Assembly, June 10. 1748 read the second Time and will pass.
Signed per Order J. Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Which Bill was read here, and passed for Ingrossing. An Ingrossed
Bill entituled An Act to enable the Justices of Prince Georges
County to raise 54000 lb of Tobacco &c. was read and assented to,
and sent to the Upper House, with the paper Bill By Mr Wootton
and Capt. Bond.
Col Tasker, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker the
following Message (Seepage 47)
Col. Hammond from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker the
Bill entituled An Act for altering and establishing certain Ware-
houses &c. Indorsed (Seepage 47)
And the following Message Viz. ( See pages 47-49)
p. 798
Edmund Jenings Esqr from the Upper House delivers to Mr
Speaker the Journal of Accounts. Indorsed, By the Upper House
of Assembly, June 10. 1748. Read and will not be Assented to.
Signed per order. J. Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Daniel Dulany Esqr from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker
the Bill entituled An additional Supplementary Act to the Act enti-
tuled, An Act for the more effectual punishment of Negroes and
other Slaves &c, the Bill entituled, An Act for the Relief and release
of distressed Prisoners for Debt, and the Bill entituled A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act entituled an Act requiring the Masters of
Ships and Vessels to publish the rates of their Freights before they
take any Tobacco on board; Severally Indorsed, By the Upper
House of Assembly, June 10. 1748.
Read the Second Time by especial Order, and will not pass.
Signed per Order J. Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
A Bill entituled, An Act to enable Mrs Sarah Hollyday, Executrix
of James Hollyday Esqr deceased, to pay the Money therein men-
tioned, was read the first and second Time by an especial order and
will pass.
p. 799
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 8. a Clock.
June 11
Saturday Morning June 11. 1748.
The House met according to Adjournment, all the Members
appeared as Yesterday except Capt. Addison. The Bill entituled,
An Act to enable Mrs Sarah Hollyday, Executrix of James Holly-
day Esqr deceased, to pay the Money therein mentioned, was sent
to the Upper House by Mr Smallwood and Capt. Hyland.