100 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
June 3
an Address to him and desires to know when and where he will
please to receive it: They return and acquaint Mr Speaker that the
Governor Signified to them, that he would be ready in half an Hours
Time to receive the address in the Conference Chamber. Col. King,
and thirteen more, were ordered to present the address to the Gov-
ernor. Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr
Speaker the Bill entituled, An Act for processioning Lands &c.
Indorsed. By the Upper House of Assembly, June 3. 1748, read the
second Time, and will not pass.
Signed per order J. Ross Cl Up Ho.
p. 780
And the following Message; (See page 31)
The Bill entituled An Additional and explanatory Act to the Act
entituled An Act impowering the Commissioners of the County
Courts &c. was read the second Time, and will pass.
His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr Speaker the
following Answer, Viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly. In Answer to your
Address delivered to me this Day, I can very truly assure you that
I shall always think my self happy when I can conform myself to
your Sentiments, and shall be always ready to oblige you to the
utmost of my power Consistent with the Duty of my Station: but
as I look upon the Nomination of the Treasurer as one of the un-
doubted rights of his Lordship I cannot take it upon myself to give
it up especially as I am warranted by An Authority that seemed
unexceptionable to so many preceeding Assemblies.
Sam. Ogle
The House resolved to take into consideration the Governor's
answer to the Address of this House, on Monday Next in the
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
June 4
Saturday Morning, June 4. 1748
The House met according to adjournment.
The Bill entituled, An Additional and explanatory Act to the Act
entituled An Act impowering the Commissioners of the County
Courts &c. was sent to the Upper House By Mr Harris and Capt.
An Ingrossed Bill entituled, An Act to impower and direct the
Clerk of Anne Arundel County Court, to enter and record Among
the said County records a Deed of Bargain and Sale from William
Mitchell Edward Mitchell, and Grace his wife, to Mordecai Moore,
deceased; an Ingrossed Bill entituled An Act to prohibit the raising
of Swine in Leonard's Town, in St Mary's County; an Ingrossed