him, or if Security should be required for his appearance, that he
may be conveyed to Dorchester County where he will give such
Security as shall be directed.
Your Petitioner prays that he may be discharged from custody,
without paying any Expence, and that his Boat may be restored
to him
September 4
[Aquila Browne, Queen Ann's County to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Fsqr.]
Sir Your Letter relative to calling on John Browne, Richard
Tilghman Earle, William Bruff and Jacob Ringgold Esqr for Cash
and Tobacco lost the State came to hand yesterday, and have wrote
to the Gentlemen requesting their Immediate Compliance and as
soon as recd shall speedily get it into your hands. I have used every
endeavour to borrow money and Tobacco for this State but in vain,
but still shall continue and use every method in my power to Pro-
cure what I possibly can.
September 4
[Address from Sundry Inhabitants of St. Mary's County to His
Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esqr Governor of the State of
Maryland and his Honourable Council]
May it please your Excellency & Honours We the subscribers
in behalf of ourselves and others Inhabitants of this County take
the Liberty of addressing your Excellency and Honors on a Subject
(as we conceive) highly important and Interesting to every true
friend to this State.
The Dangers we are exposed to daily, from our Enemies, who
have lately robb'd several of the Inhabitants between the mouths of
Potowmack and Patuxent Rivers of their property, calls for imme-
diate assistance, not only to protect us in our property so openly
exposed, but likewise that of all those who shall or may attempt to
transport their Effects to, or from any part of Chesapeake Bay. We
therefore hope and make no doubt but your Excellency & Honours
will take this matter under your consideration and endeavor to re-
dress our Grievances, by ordering some Vessells properly equipp'd,
to cruize, as soon as possible in said Bay, for the purpose above-
Wre also beg leave to recommend to your Excellency and Honours
one Thomas Price a resident in this County (who we are fully con-
vinced from his Knowledge of the Bay, of a Vessell, his Conduct,
Activity and Spirit) would exert himself in Annoying, taking, or
destroying the Enemy, who, we are informed, intend seizing all our
property they can; and if not timely prevented, will, in all proba-
bility, render us incapable of supporting our Families; For an Ac-
September 4