Western Shore Treasurer, 26,
34, 115, 214; et seq.
Western Territory Claims, 92.
Wetheral, Samuel, 37.
Wetherstrand, see Weder-
Whale boats, 3, 64, 125.
Whalland, Joseph, 201, 202.
Whalley (Walley), Capt., 67,
576, 578, 57Q, 623; Zedekiah,
476, 627.
Wheat, see Flour and Wheat.
Wheeler, —— , 99, 147; Charles,
318; Hezekiah, 445, 466, 572;
Ignatius, 213, 334, 357; Ig-
natius Mitchell, 302.
Wheelwrights, 177.
Whetcroft, William, 355.
Whetstone Point, 547, 587, 636;
see also Fort Whetstone
Whigs, 128, 158, 491.
Whimes, Major, 103.
Whipping, 477, 478.
Whiskey, 467, 4/3, 615, 616.
Whitcombe, Notley, 569.
White Haven Co. of Militia,
Somerset Co., 670.
White, James, 27, 337; John,
10, 492; Thomas, 492, 513.
White Plains (N. Y.), 5.
White Yarn stockings, 143.
Whitehead, Capt., 341; Charles,
277, 323-
Whiteley, Col., 232; William,
27, 28, 55, 200, 398, 434.
Whiteman, William, 489.
Whitemarsh (S. C.), 103.
Whitmore, Benjamin, 63.
Wibb, Bauer, 336.
Wickert, Michael, 656.
Wicomico, 118; Battalion of
Militia, 353, 457; Creek, 672;
River, 31, 54, 113, 127, 129,
201, 233, 671.
Wiesenthal, Doct, 425, 487;
Charles Frederick, 524, 525.
Wigglesworth, Mr., 50.
Wiley, Aquila, 251.
Wilkerson, Lieut, 98.
Wilkins, —— , 605; John, 52 ;
Wm, 328, 336.
Wilkinson, Col., 279, 286; Jo-
seph, 71, 173, 272, 276, 284,
285, 378, 412, 413, 438, 456,
597; Richard, 656.
Willeis, see Willis.
Willen, Charles, 656; Wm., 179.
Willett, Charles, 323.
William, James, 433.
Williams, —— , 26, 215; Capt.,
97, 98, 500; Col., 98, 172, 284;
B.. 51; Barruch, 36, 43, 95,
148, 250, 271, 273, 334, 384,
462, 561, 592, 604; Elie, 138,
214, 334; Ely, 462; Esau, 353;
Gabriel, 347; James, 497;
John, 224, 575, 577, 674; Jona-
than, 145; Joseph, 437; Lil-
burn, 508, 531, 583; Osborne,
475, 488; Thos., 427, 437, 640,
657, 676, 677.
Williamsburg (Va.), 2, 621.
Williamson, Charles, 277, 634,
Williamson and Hughes, 129.
Willis (Willeis), —— , 128;
Joel, 612; Prichet, 127.
Wills, see Registers of.
Willson, Andrew, 173.
Wilmer, John, 226.
Wilmington (N. C.), 89, 235,
292, 354-
Wilmott, —— , 9; Capt., 98;
Lieut., 98; John, 217, 229, 243,
256, 282, 509, 510, 545, 556;
Robert, 226, 227, 272, 341,
529; William, 272, 341, 529.
Wilson, Lieut., 531; Alexander,
466; Charity, 618; George,
575; Hopkins and Co., 293 ;
James, 36; Levin, 224, 225;
Mary, 171; Moore and Hop-
kins, 286; Robert, 663; Sam-
uel, 673; Wm., 628.
Winchester, Lieut., 500, 509;
James, 277, 278, 280, 490, 515,
516; William, Jr., 225.
Winchester (Va.), 353.
Wind Mill Fort, 350.
Wine, 2, 633.
Winder, Dr., II, 38; Major, 97;
Levin, 268, 359, 364, 375; Wil-
liam, 224.
Windsor, Philip, 658.
Win f rev, Aaron, 652.
Winkett, Samuel, 196.
Winters, Capt., 307.
Wise, Sarah, 576: Thomas, 576,
579; William, 304.
Withered, Samuel, 37.
Wood, 225; cutters, 168.
Wood, —— , 533; Col., 236-238,
244, 257, 266, 267, 299, 301,
309, 373-375, 388, 444, 455-
457, 462; Gen., 532; James, 63,
64, 115, 203, 205, 249, 387, 454 ;
John, 389, 426, 427, 566;
Joseph, 568, Joseph, Jr., 225.
Woodward, William, 322, 401 ;
William, Jr., 655.
Woolfe (Woolf), —— , 594;
John, 71, 592, 607, 628, 646.
Wool ford, Col., 98, 528, 538,
633; Lieut, 97; James, 525;
Levin, 224, 225; Thomas, 545,
626, 627; William, 97.
Woollens, see Overalls, etc.
Worcester County, 9, 10, 25, 41,
48, 49, 90-92, 104, 105, 125,
128, 129, 146, 179, 182, 206,
224, 225, 232, 233, 297, 304,
310, 311, 353, 413, 4i8, 457,
462, 488, 489, 528, 575, 577,
589-591, 593, 603, 605, 610,
675; see also Chaille, Peter ;
Dashiell, Joseph; Pocomoke
River; Pocomoke Sound.
Workman, Stephen, 123.
Worms, 3, 259.
Worthington, Brice T. B., 260,
497; Elizabeth, 582; Nicholas,
224; Vachel, 366, 434, 582.
Wright, —— , 330, 331; James,
569; Samuel T., 213, 226, 230,
244, 308, 598; Samuel Tur-
butt, i, 243; Thomas, 398,
409, 545, 656; William, 251.
Wye River, 190, 194, 231.
Wye River, see Vessels.
Wyley (Wyly), Greenbury,
651; Luke, 159.
Yadkin River (S. C), 89.
Yarn stockings, 463, 653.
Yeates (Yates), —— , 221, 231 ;
Col., 113, 124, 126, 133, 134,
127, 175, 184, 193, 196, 197,
217; Donaldson, 56, 72, 74, 75,
104, 110, 181, 202, 218, 329,
330, 351, 354, 362, 381, 402,
424, 436, 588, 592, 593, 622;
John, 645; Jonathan, 280 ;
Thomas, 223, 304, 636; Wil-
liam, 135, 293.
Yellot, see Vessels.
Yellot, Capt., 64, 207.
Yest, —— , 465.
Yieldhall (Yieldell), Benjamin,
626; William, 506, 646.
York River (Va.), 71, 454, 554,
557, 631.
York Town (Penna.), 357.
York Town (Va.), 264, 353,
554, 557, 567, 608, 609, 611,
648, 651.
Yost, Henry, 294.
Young, Henry, 657; Hugh, 3,
11; Hugh & Co., 433, 495;
Jacob, 225, 634; William, 574,
Younger, Teller, 656.