Special Court, see Eastern
Shore, Special Court.
Specie, see Money.
Specket, Charles, 309.
Spedding, Capt., 454; Levin,
Speedwell, see Vessels.
Spence, John, 9.
Spencer, Richard, 252.
Spencer's Regiment, 462.
Spies, 118, 169, 397, 470, 478-
480, 507, 675.
Spirits, 354, 645.
Sponges, 259.
Sprigg, —— , 34, 44; Col., 440,
463; Joseph, 293; Osborn,
224; Richard, 20, 232; Thos.,
179, 224, 227, 294, 369, 375,
388, 405, 458, 461, 482, 491,
540, 557-
Spurrier, Capt., 98, 500; Ed-
ward, 272, 307, 435, 436, 464,
481, 512, 534, 558, 559; Wil-
liam, 422, 437.
Stafford County, Va., 201.
Stalker, Wm., 310.
Stansbury, O., 132.
Staplefort, Charles, 577.
Stark, Joseph, 577.
Starling, —— , 128.
State boats, see Vessels.
Staten Island (N. J.), 429.
Staves, 173.
Steel, 643.
Steele (Steel), John, 384, 480,
578; Thomas, 241, 273, 274.
Steers, see Cattle.
Steiner (Stoner), John, 93.
Stenson, Wm., 676.
Stephens, Capt., 632; Col., 611;
John, 272; Vachel, 642.
Stepney, 173.
Sterbeck, Godstow, 337.
Sterling, Aaron, 673; Josias,
Sterrett (Sterett), David, 490;
John, 114, 314, 655; John &
Company, 281, 439; William,
Steuart, see Stewart.
Steuben, Baron de, 335. 425.
Stevens, Capt., 630; Gen., 89,
172; Ephraim, 670, 671, 672;
John, 525; Robert, 527;
Robertson, 526; Robinson,
440; Vachel, 598, 599, 612,
614, 630, 639, 646; Wm., 225.
Stevenson, Ann, 350; Benj., 41;
Henry, 350; John, 216; Jona-
than, 41; Joshua, 84, 650;
Nicholas, 159; Win., 225.
Steves, Robinson, 51.
Stewart (Steuart, Steward),
—— , 133, 145, 246, 3:2, 323;
Capt., 339; Col., 633; Dr.,
413; Maj., 97, 314, 477; Alex-
ander, 334; Andrew, 559;
Charles, 492, 577; David,
638; Ignatius, 569; John, 102,
110, 163, 224, 225, 243, 258,
259, 272, 290, 291, 294, 326,
353, 443, 478, 522, 558 559,
572; Joshua, 569; Robert,
422; Stephen, 131, 142, 144,
207, 208, 245, 259, 289, 317,
322, 337, 338, 350, 389, 419,
429, 432, 447, 485, 501, 512,
513, 516, 519, 552, 573, 617,
641, 642, 647, 664; Stephen,
Jr., 290; William, 437, 575;
William Veal, 427.
Stewart, Stephen & Co., 340.
Stewart, Stephen & Son, 145.
Stewart & Company, 430.
Stewart, Wallace and Davidson,
Still, 127.
Still beds, see beds.
Stilts, Philip, 662.
Stitely, Frederick, 657.
Stitsbury (Stichbury), Philip,
289, 596.
Stock, 628.
Stock, Anthony, 337.
Stockings, 81, 110, 168, 216, 228,
239, 240, 249, 253, 269, 297,
298, 302, 307, 310, 323, 327,
329, 333, 335, 339, 353, 365,
367, 463, 527, 58o, 604, 609,
628, 631, 649, 650, 653-657.
Stockley, Benj., 312.
Stoddard, Lt., 98; Major, 425;
Benj., 15.
Stodder, —— , 652.
Stoddert, Benj., 49, 63, 104, 114,
115, 148, 151, 156, 185, 375,
377, 439, 664; David, 368;
Wm., 503, 520; Wm. True-
man, 291, 293, 508, 521.
Stone, —— , 93, 438; Col., 14,
21, 28, 46, 94, 1 10, 129, 154,
196, 271; President, 172;
John H., 59, 142, 213, 233,
239, 247, 296, 332, 405, 428,
538, 602, 654; John Hawkins,
82; John Hoskins, i: Thos.,
16, 416, 610, 633.
Stoner (Steiner), John, 93.
Stonestreet, Richard, 472.
Stores, 74, 118, 646.
Storment, Nathan, 656.
Stover, Michael, 220.
Straw, 23, 30, 61, 126, 225, 646.
Stricker (Streaker), —— , 538;
Col., 535; George, 531, 532,
537, 642, 643.
Stroble, Zachariah, 645.
Stull, Col., 137; John, 293.
Stump, John, 281; John, Jr.,
290, 291, 292, 293; John, 3d,
293; (of Henry), 292.
Sturgis, —— , 507; Abraham,
105, 106; Elija, 208, 489;
Joshua, 10; Outten, 10.
Streaker, see Stricker.
Styinpson, Solomon, 243.
Substitutes, 13, 16, 29, 45, 51,
63, 68, 238, 427, 482, 502, 517,
540, 552, 563, 578, 586, 629,
646, 653, 654, 656, 657, 659,
662, 664, 666.
Succasunna (N. J.), 110, in.
Success, see Vessels.
Sucky, see Vessels.
Sugar, 28, 97, 119, 120, 190, 191,
203, 218, et seq.; brown, 245;
Spanish, 349, 430, 522.
Suit, Serjeant, 582.
Sullivane (Sullivan), Doctor,
287; Bright, 652, 654; James,
307, 462, 588, 593, 610;
Patrick, 573.
Sumpter, General, 167.
Supplies, 2, et seq.
Surgeons and Surgeons Mates,
see Physicians, Surgeons, etc.
Surgical Instruments, 528.
Sussex (Del.), 52.
Susquehanna!: River, 96, 141,
Sutton, Joseph, 650.
Swan, —— , 119; Edward, 426;
J., 18; John, 464, 583:
Mathew, 84.
Swallow, see Vessels.
Swanskin, 275.
Swearingen, —— , 257; Benone,
459J Charles, 220, 443, 576;
Van, 405.
Swingle, George, 220.
Swivels, 28, 31, 32, 220, 259,
273, 281, 283, 337, 401, 480,
Swords, 394, 459, 536, 573, 587.
Sybert, John, 220.
Sydebotham, Wm., 432.
Sylvester, Benj., 568.
Table cloths, 674.
Tackel, 472, 649.
Taffia, 120, 547.
Tailors, 173, 333.
Talbot, see Vessels.
Talbot (Talbott), Benjamin,
159, 411, 650, 651; John, 650;
Vincent, 159, 651.
Talbot County, 25, 33, 34, 44,
57, 81, 86, 117, 118, 124, 128,
190, 192, 219, 224, 321, 326,
334, 462, 474, 589-591, 593,
603, 610, 618, 664, 669, 675-
677; see also Bruff, Joseph ;
Easton; Miles River; Ox-
ford, etc.
Tallow, 217, 409, 538, 618.
Tally's Point, see Tolly's Point.
Tangier Island, 193, 440, 489,
500; Sound, 31, 129.
Tannehill, Capt., 69, 70; Adam-
son, 209, 618.
Tanners, 620.
Tarlton (Tarleton), —— , 88;
John, 156.
Tar and feathers for profiteers.
Tar box, 598.
Tarr, John, 48.