of the Council of Maryland. 7
I mention those things to you because I am determin'd to leave
no stone unturned, that is in my power to save the Credit of the
Post (through which only the Army can be supply'd) the Stoppage
of which two weeks will defeat this Campaign, if not Compleat our
Ruin, this I can't get the Treasury Board & Board of War to see.
I have sent several Vessells to Choptank for the Flour mentioned
by your Excellency and Honors, the Capt. of the last informs me
that Mr Gee who has the Flour in Possession informs him he can
send no more untill he is paid for what he is already sent, I mention
this not to injure Mr McGee, but that the necessary measures may
be taken and to shew how necessary it is to preserve our Credit
P. S. shall order the next Vessell to Annapolis.
[Sam Smith Balt, to Gov Lee]
Sir I Had the Honor to receive an Appointment under a Late
Law for the purpose of procuring a Loan to serve the very pressing
Emergency & in Consequence applied to the Married Men of this
Town. Part of Those who had lent on the occasion for forwarding
the officers, say when paid they will lend under the present Law &
perhaps add to it, untill paid they refuse advancing a farthing, many
say they have trusted the state with large sums and when that is
paid they will lend, But two Men have said they will lend, they
promise £5000 each when Convenient, when that Convenience will
be, depends entirely whether Better sales of property than at present
there is a prospect of shall happen. I fear little purpose will be
answer'd by this Law
July 6
Red Book
No. 32
No. 16
[H. Hollingsworth, D. Q. M. G., Head of Elk, to the Council.]
Gentlemen This will be handed you by Benjamin Furguson Mas-
ter of the continental Sloop Success, who I have ordered to wait
your order for a freight, in consequence of his not being able to
procure a load at Choptank, by orders from Mr Wetherstrand whoe's
factor refuses to deliver any more of the flour &ca in his hands, with-
out being paid the money for what he has delivered, and for the
remainder on hand, this I have from him, by Captn Thomas French
who's just arrived with one hundred Barrells of flour and about 700
Bushells of Bran & Shorts, and he acquaints me that there is still a
Vessel load or more on hand, you'll please to give him the necessary
orders for the above, or for any other Stores, you may have to
July 6
[Jona. Hudson, Balto, to Gov. Lee.]
Dear Sir I have drawn an order on you in favour of Mr Will™
McBride for Eighteen thousand Pounds Cury on Acct of Blankets
delivered to Capt. George Keypot per Acct of the State. I hope it
will suit you to pay this bill the Blankets belonged to a French Gentn
July 8