[Aaron Sterling, Somerset, To the Honourable the Council for the
Eastern shore of the State of Maryland.]
Your Petitioner is an Inhabitant of Annimessix in Somerset
County and is now of Sixty six years of Age that from the beginning
of the present contest with Great Britain to the present day he has
been a firm friend to the Liberties and Independance of America that
he was plundered last fall by the British barges and four times this
spring and that he has been plundered of all his meat and provisions
of every kind the whole of his Houses have been burnt with his furni-
ture and Indian Corn that he was also wounded beat and bruised
exceedingly at the time his houses were burnt that he has been obliged
to remove near seventeen miles from his plantation with his wife and
Children that he's been reduced to great difficulties being oblidged to
depend much on the bounty and Charity of others. Your Petitioner
further shews that his Son Josias Sterling hath lately been drafted
that in his present distressed situation his said Son is of the greatest
Service to him in providing things for the subsistence of his family
and that he is of opinion that he shall not be able to support his family
without the assistance of his said son. he therefore prays that your
Honours would be pleased to take the premises into consideration and
discharge the said Josiah Sterling
We hereby certify that from credible Information we are assured
that the facts set forth in the above petition are true.
George Dashiell Hamilton Bell Gilliss Polk
Saml Wilson Henry Jackson James Polk
John Done John Denwood James Bennett
Jacob Ker Isaac Henry George Day Scott