March I
Liber C. B.
No. 24
P. 51
p. 52
That the said Treasurer pay to John King twenty eight pounds six-
shillings of the same Emission due him per Account passed by the
Aud. Genl
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. Michael
Boyer Twenty seven pounds, fourteen shillings and three pence of
the new Emission due him per Account passed by the Audr Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to John H. Stone Esquire three hun-
dred pounds of the same Emission on Account of his Salary.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Brewer sixty eight pounds
six shillings and ten pence half penny of the same Emission due him
per Account passed by the Aud. General.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson junr Two hun-
dred and fifty pounds of the same Emission on Account of his Salary.
That the said Treasurer pay to Zephaniah Turner, ninety three
pounds fifteen shillings on Account of his Salary.
That the said Treasurer pay to Daniel Munro thirty three pounds
fifteen shillings due him per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Ens. Jacob Crawford
eight Gallons of Rum and thirty two pounds of Sugar due to the
mo. of Febry inclusive
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to George Field of the
3rd Regimt one shirt and one pair of shoes. Peter Byall of 1st Regimt
one shirt. John German of the same Regimt one vest, one pair Over-
alls & one shirt. Charles Cooper of the 2nd Regimt one suit of Cloaths
William Brown of the same Regimt one suit of Cloaths. John Carroll
of the same Regimt one suit of Cloaths. Charles Alexander Alias
Roberts a Recruit one suit of Cloaths. Francis Rogers Extra Regimt
one shirt John Blades of the 2nd Regimt one shirt one pair of shoes
and one pair Overalls. John Armstrong of the 5th Regimt & John
Biggs a Recruit each, a suit of Cloaths and John Predie one Coat,
one shirt and one pair of shoes. Capt. Charles Baltzel, Lieut David
Morgan, and Alexander Smith Surgeons Mate of the German
Regiment each, Cloth and Trimming for two suits of Cloaths and
Linen for six shirts in full for the year 1780 & in part for the year
1781 and also to Captain Michael Boyer of the same Regiment Cloth
and Trimmings for a suit of Cloaths and Linen for two shirts in
part of the Articles for the prest. year.
Joseph Walker appointed to receive and provide for such recruits
as may be raised in Prince Georges County.
March 1
Liber No. 78
P. 75
[Council to Ignatius Taylor.]
Being informed that you cannot get Vessels to transport the Flour
in your Care to this Place or to Baltimore, We therefore desire you
will deliver it to Mr John Dorsey or his Order who has engaged to
procure Vessels and to transport it to Baltimore.