of the Council of Maryland. 3
since my last I have petitiond the Governour & Council to Get the
use of a contl [ ?] Gaily which lay at Matompkin (deserted by the
Capt & Crew) for a Droger for the Ship, I dont mean to put her full
load in [until] she Gows over the Barr & then send the Remainder,
out by the Gaily.
I have desired in my petition that a Capt. & Crew may be fur-
nished, to the Gaily as there is Verry Great Danger of the Enemy
making an attempt to set fire to the Ship, however I do not Expect,
the latter will be complyed with, as the Legislature of this State are
Exceedingly Backward in Every matter of that kind, they are verry
contemtible in the Eyes of the people here, they keep two Captial
Ships up at Richmond, where thers no call for them & no vessells
down at the capes but 2 lookout boats as they call them, which have
some swivels mounted I have seen one whale boat, with a few men
without Arms, Chase them for life boats [ ?]. Such is the protection
the Valluable Trade of Chesapeake receives from the State, there has
been upwards of twenty prizes taken lately in the bay by small boats,
however they were all Gon out with their Booty before I crossd
the bay
July I
[Geo P. Keeports to Gov Lee]
An Account of Cannon &c: Deliver'd Mr Hugh Young By Order
of His Excellency Thomas Johnson Esqr
1779 Novemr 2 1st 5 Nine pound Cannon, 6 Worms for Do, 5
Laddies for Do, 4 do for Four Pounders, 3 Worms for do do, 10 Gun-
ners Hand Spikes, 6 Lent Stocks, 100 Nine pound Shot.
Lent Mr Hugh Young Which he is to Return Again 89 Cartridges
for 9 Pounders, 3 Quire Cartridge Paper, 1 Four pound Cartridge.
July I
Red Book
No. 30
Letter No. 7
[Jno Johnson A D Q M G for Col Henry Hollingsworth,
D. Q. M. G. Head of Elk to Gov. Lee.]
Gentlemen Upon my returning home I found that the fish, that
came from Mr Donnellan, and was purchased of Mr Hudson, was
not sold, owing to there being spoiled, I have wrote Mr Donnellan
about them, acquainting him they lay hear ready to be delivered to
his order, there was 25 Barren's spoiled, and 2 it took of those that
was good to fill up the rest, which makes 27 Bbls out of the 70
July 2
Red Book
No. 29
Letter No. 6
[Jno. Johnson A. D. Q. M. G. for Colo Henry Hollingsworth
D. Q. M. G. Head of Elk to T. Donnellan]
Head of Elk July 2d 1780
Sir I received the 70 barrels of Fish shipd by you belonging to
Mr Hudson on examining them found twenty five Barrels spoild and
not fit by any means to forward on to the Army I immediately
offered them to Sale on your Account at public Vandue, but could
not find a bidder for a single Barrel, they now lie here ready to be
Red Book
No. 26
No. 85