Rule, by which I am to be Governed in the purchase I always under-
stood that the new Regiment now raising was to be given to some
officer in the Line otherwise I shoud have made application for it,
and if it is not already disposed of I shall be glad to Accept it, and
to testify to both your Excy & the public how much I am Yours &
their obt Servt
July 25
[Wm. Smith's agent of the Marine of France to Thomas Donellan,
for the State of Maryland,]
Receipt for 412 barrels of flour, £815.1.13.
July 26
Red Book
No. 26
No. 90
[Henry Downes, Caroline County, to His Excellency
Thos. S. Lee Esqr]
Sir I Observe Collo Potter who is appointed to receive, Wheat,
Flour & Beef in this County in discharge of the September Assess-
ment, has advertised that he will give Cash for wheat for the use
of the State. And by the laws passed last Session to raise men to
fill up our Battalions, and raise a new one, Occasions an Assessment
(or fine) of 15£ in the hundred to shortly collected, and three Classes
of our Militia is ordered out few I doubt will goe. The money they
have not to pay their fines, nor can they get it. we have very few
Planters with us; and our Crops of wheat are very short, and no
cash to be had for that as yet. nor at this Season, have we anything
that will fetch it. Some that will, by the present demand for men and
money, he greatly distressed, who I pitty not. others who have
families, are poor, but will affected, bare the distresses occasioned
by necessity, with a becoming fortitude. It is too tender a scene for
a Generous mind, to be the instrument to break these people up.
July 26
Red Book
No. 26
No. 79