[William Whiteley Caroline County to the Governor and Council]
Your Excellency & Honours Agreable to your request of the
29th of June I return vou a List of the Armes and Ammunition in
our County, and I likewise inform vou that we have made a very
poor hand in recruiting our quota of Men tho I have Indeavored all
I could to procure them and it is proved in Vain we have one recruit
and two Deserters which is all we have procured as yet, tho I shall
still endeavor to get all the Men I can, but I beleave it is needless
to strive for they are giving (in Kent County in Delaware which
is adjoining our County) as high as fifteen hundred pounds for
Men to serve for three Months, and the fifteen pr Cent on the Classes
in our County only amounts to four hundred and fifty pounds. I
shall he glad to know of your Excellency & Honours whether
the fifteen pr Cent is to be Collected if the Men are not got as there
is different opinions with us concerning it. I have ordered out the
Militia agreeable to the Act of Assembly which are to March on the
31st of this Instant tho I am apprehensive that there will be very
few of them got out, for the People are Generally against marching
and the Penalty is but small, tho I shall be glad to know ware these
Militia are to march to and if I am to furnish them with Armes
and how they are to be provided with wagons and horses and other
things that are necessary for marching. I have Inclosed a list of
Officers to be Commissioned as there will be sum of them wanting
to march with the Classes that are orderd on Duty, with the strong-
est Assurance that I shall pay the strictest Attention to your Orders.
A List of Armes and Ammunition in Caroline County belonging to
the State of Maryland
to 150 Musket with Bayonets in my Possession
to two half Barrells of Powder in the name of Col William Rich-
ardson, the Armes want Cleaning which I have emploved a Man
to do, and the Powder is very indifferant
Officers for the 14th Batt Maryland Militia in Caroline County.
Capt Thomas Loockerman, Resigned Vincent Price Capt. with
the approbation of the Other Officers of the Compa Richard
Frampton resigned Elijah Clark 2 Lt Zadock Mears, Ensign
John Hooper Capt. James White 2d Ltresigned Seth Hill Evett
Ens. Do Cornelius Johnson 1 Lt Richard Liden 2 Do Daniel
Richardson, Ensign