of the Council of Maryland. 205
me to purchase any of the before mentioned Articles I think there
is no Time to be lost
The following are the prices now current for such Articles as I
presume will be wanting for the Army: Pork 503 per Hd Fatted
Beef 33/4 per Hd Corn 12/6 per Barrell Oats 2/6 per Bushl Peas
& Beans @ 6s per bushell. The Sales are now in hard money most
generally whether the new Emission will gain a circulation at some
determinate Standard Value seems at present doubtfull.
December 15
[Chas. Blake, Corsica, to Gov. Lee.]
Sir I recd the 111 notes sent by yr Excy which I have disposed
of at 55 and 4 pr Ct for the Cash have recd 45000 pound and expect
the rest this week. I am endeavoring to lay it out as orderd but find
pork extreemly scarce and very high. I shall be very glad to receive
a farther supply of the New State money to pay for Wheat recd and
as people seem to give it better creditt than before should be glad
to have a sum to be ready to take the advantage of any contract that
may be offer'd I yesterday lost 400 bus: for want of Cash as to
Creditt, I cannot gett one bus. for that. As our Members will soon
be returning hope yr Ex. will make use of the oppertunity of trans-
mitting any sum you may think proper to me which shall be applied
to the best advantage.
The order drawn in favour of Mr Hemsley has been duly paid
December 16
[James Wood, Frederick Town, to Gov. Lee.]
Sir I am Desired by Brigadier General Hamilton, to request
that your Excellency will Permit their Paymaster General Mr David
Geddes, to go occasionally to Baltimore, in order to Dispose of their
Bills of Exchange: this I consider as a matter of which your Honble
Board are the sole Judges; therefore I shall only add, that Mr Geddis
has been Perfectly uniform in his Conduct since the convention
Troops have been under my Direction, and that I am fully Per-
suaded he wou'd not abuse any Indulgence you may think Proper to
grant him.
December 17
[Sam Smith, Annapolis, to Gov. Lee.]
I Have a very fine New Brig nearly ready for Sea. She will Carry
from 1000 to 1200 Bbles flour will mount 12 Six pounders, She is
prim Sailer, & shall in every Respect be compleatly fitted & found.
She is now ready to take in her Cargo. I wish to freight her on the
Terms heretofore given by this state which I understand to be, to
allow me 5 p Ct for purchasing the Cargo for which purpose I must
be supplied with Money, The Brig, to be allow'd one Half the flour
for Carrying the other. I obliging myself to bring one Half a Cargo
Home freight free
December 17