find at Richmond to take his Trial at then approaching Court for
Treason committed against that State. Cot Bayly is apprehensive
that the Testimony will be incomplete from the absence of Wit-
nesses and that he will be discharged, unless this State should make
a Requisition of his being delivered up for a Trial. I shall only add
that he was taken 2 years or more past in this Bay in Arms against
us, and that he was one of the Number who boarded and took a
Vessel in this Bay a little below Annapolis And submit to your
Excellency the Propriety of making Application to the State of Vir-
ginia upon the Subject
July 15
Brown Book
No. 5
No. 4
[J. Gillespie, Frederick County, to Colo. Forrest]
[If there are no captaincies vacant, declines to accept lesser com-
July 16
[Ben Stoddart, Secy War Office to His Excellency Govr Lee]
Sir There being no Resolve of Congress to Justify the issuing of
continental provisions to soldiers wives when absent from their
Husbands, The board have ordered the issuing Commissaries to
discontinue the practice.
Compassion to those poor people who are in this situation, belong-
ing to your State, induces the board to mention this circumstance
to your Excellency, in order, that if it should be Judged expedient,
some State provisions may be made for them, as has been the custom
in some other States.
The board conceive that if the situation of any particular State,
should occasion it to send men who have Families, into the Field in
part of it's quota of Troops, should be at the expence of the State,
at least, in the first instance it should be the business of the State to
offer them relief as being best acquainted with the Characters &
circumstances of the People. & if proper to be brought into Account
against the United States, it may be done hereafter
July 17
Red Book
No. 7
No. 179
[Luzerne Philadelphia to Gov Lee]
Monsieur. J'ail'honneur d'adresser a Votre Excellence une lettre
du President du Congres relative a une demande que j'ai faite pour
obtenir la permission d'exporter des Farines pour la havanne ou les
circonstances actuelles ont rendu necessaires toutes especes de pro-
visions. J'ai propose a Mr Thomas Morris Nezoriant de celle ville
de se charger de cette operation et il doit ecrire par le courrier de ce
jour a Ses correspondans pour qu'ils' adressent a Vous Monsieur et
Vous demandent les autorisations necessaires pour remplir sans delai
la commission dont il est charge. Je prie instament Votre Excellence
de vouloir bien les Seconder et leur faciliter les moyens de consom-
mer cette operation aussitot qu'il sera possible.
July 18
Brown Book
No. 7
No. 28