[Rich'd Barnes, Leod Town, to Gov. Lee]
Dr Sir We have in this County for a considerable time past been
alarmed by Vessels of the Enemy composed of some Boats and
small Sloops. Majr Igns Taylor House on Wiccocomaco they the
other day plundered of all they could take away with them the
ballance they wantonly distroycd. They have likewise plundered
Mr Robt Armstrongs House at Point Lookout, & have taken many
negroes together with stock from different parts of the County.
In short they are a pack of the most abandoned Fellows that ever
hath molested us. They are now in Potomack, and its more than
probable will do considerable clammage before they leave us. Their
force from the best information I can collect is but trifeling, and
in my opinion reflects disgrace on this State, to let them pass un-
molested I have been informed they have done considerable damage
to many Gentlemen on the Virginia side of Potawmack. We are
in this County the most exposed to them of any Coty in the State
without its being in our power to protect ourselves for the want of
arms, not more than fifty of these Guns the property of the State
sent here will make a tolerable shift. I have so frequently given my
opinion of them that I should not now mention them if the People
of the County did not urge me to it by their complaints. If those
that were here unfit for service were properly sold to the People
of the County they I am Satisfied would do their endeavours to
get them repared, which would be making them contribute to the
defence of the State. Most of the People that had guns on the
commencement of the war have sold them to trading Vessels, the
impropriety of which they are now fully convinced of.
[H. Hollingsworth, Head of Elk, to His Excellency, Thomas
Sim Lee, Esqr, in Council]
Gentlemen I am very sorry to trouble you in the midst of that
throng which I know yourself and the Honourable Council must
be in nor would I do it at present was it possible to go on with your
business without your Aide and direction, on Sunday by post in-
formed you of the quantity of Horses I had on hand and not likely
to be released from them as I am forbiden to send any more forward
to Philadelphia, or Camp. Colo Yeats now D. Q. M. Gl at this Post
refuses to take any but such as are pick'd out, what is to be done
with the remainder is Submitted to your direction, the Bakers that
I have imployed to Bake the State Stuff and Flour are about to
leave me, which I am pleased with as they dont quite answer, should
have discharg'd them some time ago and imployed better, but had
riot money to pay them off, nor have any to do one matter or thing
am obliged to borrow on my own private account for this twc
Months past to keep the Express going, am now call'd on to make
payment and can't do it, must therefore intreat that a Sum be sent