Red Book
No. 7
No. 73
[Sam Huntington, Philadelphia, to His Excellency
the Governor Lee]
Sir Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed two Acts
of Congress of the 8 & 11 Instant, by which you will be informed
of their Intentions to provide & lay up Magazines of Provisions &
Forage for an Army of fifteen thousand Men for six months to the
Southward; and that two thirds of the Flour and Beef required
from the State of Maryland by the Resolution of the 25 of February
last, are to be retained in that State for the above Purpose, and
stored at some safe & convenient Places on or near navigable Water.
You will also observe the Measures Congress have adopted &
recommended by the Acts enclosed for reinforcing the Southern
Army; and that the State of Maryland are earnestly requested to
complete & forward to the Southern Army her Quota of regular
Troops as formerly ascertained
It is presumed your Excellency must have received a return of
the Number lost in the Maryland Line, in the Action near Cambden
on the 1 6. Ulto. I am happy to find from late Accounts, the Loss
is not so great as we had reason to fear.
Brown Book
No. 5
No. 21
[Edward Giles, Philadelphia, to His Excellency Governor Lee]
Sir Your Excellency will doubtless ere this have received a
Letter from Genl Washington, directing our Regiment to march
to the Southward. In consequence of this order, I shall set out the
men tomorrow Mg under Capt Murdoch, & proceed myself im-
mediately to Morris Town to secure & forward on the Cloathing
there. This Business appears to me to be of such Importance, that
a failure would involve the total Ruin of the Regiment, have there-
fore been induced rather to attend to it myself, than to depend upon
others. The Board of War have advised me to march the men to
the Head of Elk, & there retain them, until I can get them cloathed.
In this Step I flatter myself I shall have your Excellency's Concur-
rence. I have an absolute Order for 450 Coats, Jackets & wollen
overalls, Shoes, Shirts & Hats, shall obtain Tents in a few Days
with every necessary Camp Equipage
Since my Arrival at this City I have lost upwards of fourteen
men by Desertion, I shall be obliged to leave upwards of 20 in the
Hospitals, with these I shall also leave an Officer. The Desertions
were unavoidable Privater's men, paint such golden Prospects, that
is not to be wondered that the men have been seduced from their
Duty. Whilst I lament the Loss, I have the pleasing Reflection, that
the Landing the men was in consequence of an absolute Order from
the War Office, & that every precaution in my Power has been used
to prevent the Consequences that have flowed from that Order.
I hope I shall at least Stear clear of Censure. I have obtained an
Proclamation from Governor Reed. I have searched every Vessell