July 1-December 31, 1780.
[Thomas Sim Lee, Governor; John Hoskins Stone, Jeremiah Townley Chase,
James Brice, Daniel Carroll and John Brice, Councillors. On Nov. 13th and 14th,
1780, the Governor and Council were re-elected with the exception that Samuel
Turbutt Wright was elected in place of John Brice.]
[Richard Haff to Gov. Lee]
Honble Sr As I am Informed that there is a Capt appointed and
Men for the use of Magazine Guard, to Releive me and the Men.
The men Daily wanting to Leave me, as they think the wages is
not Sufficient @ £40 pr Month and Colo Price Raising the Wheat
@ 60 Dollars pr Bushell and Flour @ £ 75 pr Ct and the Men being
Poor and having all Familes to support them of their Wages. So
your honr will take it in Consideration on Raising there pay. the
men are all willing to stay with me. if your honr Pleases to appoint
me as Captn for that Purpose. I would act as such, or Otherwise I
Intend if your honr Pleases I would Act as waggon Master in this
Regt and go to Camp So your Honr Pleases to Direct me how I am
to Proceed.
[John Reid, Capt., Fort Frederick, to Gov. Lee.]
Sir Since I have had the Honor to receive an Appointment from
Your Excellency to the Command of a Compy of Infantry to be
raised to serve within this State.
I have the Satisfaction to Inform Your Excellency that I have
used my utmost exertions to raise men for the purpose but have not
as yet met with that success which I promised to myself, owing in
my opinion to the small Bounty & the want of Music, to enable me
to form a Recruiting Party which I have not been able to procure
I have Misted sixteen men who are now Acting at this Garrison
as a Guard over the British Prisrs of war & hope in a Short time to
be on a more respectable footing,
July 1