185, 188-190. Prince Wil-
liam's County (Va.),84.
Princess Anne Town, 21, 25, 27,
55, 112, 116, 133, 201, 209-213,
468, 470, 472, 501, 538, 548,
551, 608, 610, 641.
Printing, 298, 299, 307, 308, 356,
358, 359, 397, 418, 419, 568.
Laws, 11, 24-26, 55, 86, 88,
128, 132, 206, 490, 497, 499,
503, 562, 563, 584, 585, 663,
664. Votes of Lower House,
71, 117, 276, 328.
Private Bills, Costs, 191, 498,
Proprietary Government, de-
fence of, 701-704.
Provincial Courts, Clerks of,
519, 657. Terms of, 594. Com-
missions, 181, 182. Costs, 41,
51, 56, 150, 185, 189. Pro-
ceedings, 182, 201, 217, 218,
486, 487, 491, 588.
Public Buildings, 50.
Purnell, John, 63, 81, 92, 94, 114,
116, 123, 126, 127, 140, 142-144,
160-165, 169-174, 176, 178, 180,
181, 184, 187, 200, 207, 233,
253, 259, 264, 273-275, 278, 280,
318, 319, 335, 336, 360-363, 384,
417, 444, 505, 515, 516, 523,
526, 542, 543, 546, 547, 555-
Quakers, 467, 476, 479, 480, 503,
541, 546, 555, 558, 562, 563,
567, 592, 647, 648.
Qeuebec, 327.
Queen Anne's County, 3, 9, 21,
22, 46, 47, 51, 52, 54, 56, 63, 67,
68, 114, 120, 150, 151, 176,
177, 180, 185, 188-190, 201, 247,
248, 253, 280, 295, 306, 311,
336, 401, 433, 436, 505, 589,
609, 611. Parish, 175. Town,
609, 611.
Queen Caroline Parish, 611, 612.
Quit Rents, 38, 42, 56, 120, 123,
132, 133, 141, 145, 148, 149,
151, 159, 161-166, 168-171, 173,
178, 186, 201, 622, 693.
Ragland Landing, 609, 611.
Raitt, John, 527-530.
Rappahannock, 426.
Rawlings, Richard, 609, 611.
Razolini, Onorio, 463, 476, 481,
488, 503, 531, 533, 538, 539,
54i, 558, 569, 577, 583, 671-673,
Records, Condition of, 144,
446. Not to be Moved from
Offices, 641. Of Charles
County Destroyed by Fire,
460, 466, 469, 471, 501, 518,
533, 536, 547, 548, 638, 640.
Red Clift (Bush River), 609,
Registers, 333.
Rehoboth Town, 608, 610.
Remsperger, Stephen, 697, 698.
Rent, Distraint for, 521, 522,
531-533, 540, 542.
Rent Rolls, 151.
Replevin, 27, 46, 130, 132, 140,
188, 459, 508, 512, 518, 584.
Rhode Island, 321, 322, 327.
Rich, Peter, 609, 611.
Richard, James, 457, 497, 508-
510, 513-
Rider, Col., 177. Sir Dudley,
Ridgeley, Robert, 692.
Rigbie, James, 49, 249, 303, 360,
494. Nathaniel, 122. Nathan-
iel, Jr., 122.
Risteau, John, 249, 303, 360, 494.
Roberts, John, 73, 245, 273, 276.
Robins, Thomas, 207, 253, 264,
207, 273-275, 278, 280, 297, 312,
3i6, 319, 335, 336, 338, 339,
354, 360-363, 385, 417, 431,
436, 443, 444, 450, 451, 505,
515, 523, 525, 526, 534, 541,
543, 546, 547, 555-557-
Robinson, Peter, 21.
Rock Creek (Prince George's
County), 45, 46, 52, 56, 120,
174, 175, 185, 188, 189, 201,
217-220, 609, 611.
Rock Run (Balto. Co.), 609,
Rogers, William, 76, 78.
Rolling House, 45, 46, 52, 56,
120, 174, 185, 188-190, 218-
220, 609, 611.
Rome, Church of, 238, 242, 243.
Rose, William, 428.
Ross, David, 426, 429, 609, 611.
J., 4, 64, 193, 194, 254, 498.
Round, Edward, 21, 52, 54, 190.
Rum, 166, 168.
Rumsey, William, 48.
Sailors, 103, 105, 411.
Saint Anne's Parish, 246, 276,
277, 464, 483, 484, 491, 503,
531, 533, 567, 572, 575, 579,
612, 659-661.
St. Clair, Gen., 309, 326, 327,
386, 397, 399.
St. Clement's Manor, 667.
St. George's Parish, 24.
St. Lawrence River, 327.
St. Leonard's Creek, 608, 610.
St. Margaret's Westminster
Parish, 460, 477, 479, 480, 503,
518, 533, 558, 562, 563, 567,
611, 612, 650-652.
St. Mary's County, 8, 14, 22, 25,
27, 34, 41, 49, 52, 54, 55, 63, 78,
81, 86, 90, 113, 119, 123, 126,
128, 133, 136, 152, 190, 201,
208, 225, 244, 250, 253, 269,
279, 298, 299, 301, 302, 308,
311, 356, 358-360, 397, 400,
418, 436, 446, 456, 459, 464,
469, 471, 494, 495, 501, 505,
509, 514, 531, 549, 583, 589,
608, 609, 666, 667. River, 608,
St. Michael's River, 609, 611.
*St. Patrick's Hill, 463, 471, 473,
476, 502, 545, 548, 554, 558,
583, 668, 669.
St. Paul's Parish, 514, 527-530,
Santon, Richard, 21.
Sassafras River, 608-611.
Sater (Satyr), Henry, 537.
Scarburgh (Scarborough),
John, 246, 253, 264, 273-275,
278, 280, 294, 298, 312, 316,
319, 334-3.36, 358, 360, 361-363,
385, 401, 417, 431, 436, 443-
445, 450, 451, 468, 505, 515,
516, 519, 523, 525, 526, 534,
537, 541, 543, 546, 547, 556,
557, 559, 560, 562-581, 584, 585,
609, 611.
Schools, 116, 214, 246, 261, 268,
275, 294, 297, 308, 318, 328,
334, 354, 396, 416, 4!7, 464,
Schuyler, Myndert, 689.
Scott, Day, 608, 610. Edward,
338, 339- Isaac, 194.
Secretary of Province, 45, 53,
173, 306-, 369-372, 499, 500, 505,
565, 630, 631.
Selby, John, 417. Parker, 3, 17,
67, 68, 81, 91, 92, 94, 114, 116,
123, 126, 127, 140, 142-144,
160-165, 169-174, 176, 178, 181,
185, 187, 188, 190, 207.
Seneca Creek, 644.
Sergeant at Arms, 66, 135, 254,
367, 510, 517, 531, 533, 537
Servants, 103, 115, 166, 168, 367,
385, 411-412.
Severn River, 608, 610.
Sewall, Charles, 495.
Shehawn, Miles Mason, 608,
Sheriffs, 7, 45, 73, 99, 106-108,
113, 115, 123, 152, 189, 195,
196,- 198, 243, 247, 258, 267,
268, 291, 293, 300, 308, 318,
325, 328, 330, 360, 378-380,
396, 407, 416, 463, 506, 508-
510, 513, 514, 521-523, 537, 589,
591, 592, 604, 605, 613, 621,
622, 633, 634, 651, 664-666.
Sheredine, Thomas, 3, 7, 23, 24,
31, 47, 48, 52, 63, 67, 71, 89, 92,
94, 114, 116, 120, 123, 126, 127,
140, 142-144, 160-165, 172-174,
176, 178, 180, 181, 184, 187,
100, 200, 215, 237, 243, 247,
253, 255, 263, 264, 268, 273-
275, 278-280, 315, 316-318, 323,
335, 360-363, 367, 384, 401,
434, 436, 439, 440, 443, 444,
447, 457, 474, 475, 488, 492,
500, 501, 505, 509, 515, 516,
523, 526, 534, 541, 543, 546,
547, 556, 557, 559, 560, 562-567,
569, 571-581, 583, 585, 665, 680,
683, 686.