L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
your Place for the purchasing of the Powder who will be able to
find it out better than your own Officers, it will be most likely to be
furnished with a good Quantity of it of which this Province is
almost entirely exhausted, having sent off for the Expedition agt
Louisburg about twelve Hundred Barrels, & I hope you will consider
that both the Garrison & Ships will want a considerable Supply
I am with great Regard Sir
Your Honours most obedient humble Servant
W. Shirley
The House appoint Mr Thomas Jobson Serjeant at Arms, and
Thomas Sparrow Door Keeper, and ordered that Robert Gordon
Esqr administer to them the several Oaths to the Government re-
quired by Law, and the Oath of Office.
The House adjourns until the Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
August 6
Tuesday morning, Aug. 6th 1745
The House met according to Adjournment. All members present
as Yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read.
Capt. Gordon acquaints Mr Speaker, that Mr Thomas Jobson
Serjeant at Arms, took the several Oath to the Government required
by Law, signed the Oath of Abjuration, repeated and signed the Test,
and that he took the following Oath of Office, viz.
You Thomas Jobson do swear, that you will faithfully, diligently,
and honestly discharge the Office of Serjeant at Arms to the Lower
House of Assembly; and that you shall not disclose or reveal the
Secrets thereof. So help you God.
Capt. Gordon likewise acquaints Mr Speaker that Thomas Spar-
row Door Keeper to the House, took the several Oaths to the Gov-
ernment required by Law, signed the Oath of Abjuration, and
repeated and signed the Test, and that he took the following Oath
of Office viz.
You Thomas Sparrow do swear, that you will faithfully, dili-
gently and honestly discharge the Office of Door Keeper to the Lower
House of Assembly; and that you shall not disclose or reveal the
secrets thereof. So help you God.
Resolved, That the Hours of sitting, this Session, be from 9 to 12
in the morning, and from 2 to 5 in the Afternoon.
The House proceeds to appoint the following Committees, viz.
Doctor Carroll, Mr George, Col. Colvil, Mr Stoughton, Mr Philip
Hammond, Mr Robert Lloyd, Mr Nicholas Goldsborough, Col.
Hooper, and Major Henry Hall, a Committee of Laws
Mr George Willson, Mr Smallwood, Mr Worthington, Mr John
Gresham, Mr John Goldsborough, Capt. Ennalls and Mr Courts, a
Committee of Elections and Privileges.