Acts. 643
and his Successors, shall transmit to the Clerk of Worcester County
Court, the whole Proceedings of the said Commissioners, together
with the Record Book and Plat of the said Town, to be lodged
amongst the Records of the said County, which Proceedings the
Clerk of Worcester County is hereby required to take charge of.
Session Laws
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners aforesaid shall, and are hereby impowered and re-
quired to ascertain what Fee or Fees the said Clerk shall have, for
entering the Proceedings of them the said Commissioners, and the
several Services by the said recited Act by him directed to be done,
and transmit the same under their Hands, or the Hands of the major
Part of them, to the Justices of Worcester County Court, in the same
manner and for the same purposes as by the said recited Act they
are required to transmit to the Justices of Somerset County Court,
which said Justices of Worcester County Court are hereby im-
powered and required to tax and assess the same in the County Levy
which shall be next laid after such Transmission; any thing in the
above recited Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Com-
to settle the
Clerks Fees
And be it Enacted by the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That no
Person or Persons whatsoever, living or to live within the same
Town, shall, after the End of this present Session of Assembly,
under any pretence whatsoever, keep or support within the same
Town, any Swine or Geese belonging to themselves or any other
Person whatsoever, unless such Swine or Geese be kept within such
No Geese or
Swine ex-
cept, &c. to
be kept in
said Town
Person or Person's own Inclosure so keeping or supporting such
Swine or Geese, under the Penalty of Ten Shillings Current Money
for each Transgression, to be recovered before any Magistrate, as
in the case of small Debts, for the use of the said County School.
p. 41
An Act impowering the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of All
Saints Parish in Prince-George's County, or of the County wherein
the said Parish shall be, to purchase Three separate Acres of Land
in the said Parish, whereon to Build a Church and two Chapels
of ease; and to impower the Justices of Prince-George's County,
or of the County wherein the said Parish shall be, to levy on the
Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, the Sum of Three Hun-
dred Pounds Current Money, for the uses therein mentioned.
Chapter IX
Whereas the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of All Saints Par-
ish in Prince George's County, have, by their humble Petition to
this General Assembly, set forth, That they have no Place of Wor-
ship to meet together in, for the Service of Almighty GOD, for want
whereof they are very little benefited by having an established Minis-
ter, That they have agreed to Build a Parish Church at Frederick-
Town, on Carroll's Creek as the most fit Place for the same, and
Pray that the Sum of two Hundred Pounds Current Money, may
be raised and levied on the taxable Inhabitants of said Parish, by two
equal Assessments, towards Building the same: And by their said