64 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
A sufficient number of Members to compose a Lower House of
Assembly, being met at the Stadt House, Col. King and Col: Colvil
were desired to acquaint His Excellency therewith.
George Plater Esqr and Col. Hollyday of the Upper House, and
Mr John Ross Clerk, came into the Stadt House, in whose Presence
the aforesaid Members took the several Oaths to the Government
required by Law, signed the Oath of Abjuration, and repeated and
signed the Test.
Edmund Jennings Esqr and Col. Hammond, from the Upper
House, acquaint the members of this House that the Governour re-
quired their Attendance in the Upper House.
The members of the Lower House went to the Upper House;
His Excellency required them to return and make Choice of a
Speaker: They returned, and unanimously made Choice of Col.
Edward Sprigg, a Representative of Prince Georges County, to be
their Speaker; and placed him in the Chair.
Col. King, and Col, Colvil are sent to acquaint His Excellency,
that this House hath made Choice of a Speaker
Col. Hammond, and Col. Lloyd, from the Upper House, acquaint
this House, that the Governour requires their Attendance in the
Upper House, to present their Speaker.
p. 446
The Members of the Lower House went to the Upper House, and
presented Col. Edward Sprigg to the Governour, as their Speaker;
His Excellency gave his Approbation of their Choice, and then made
the following Speech. (See page 2)
The Members return to their House, and Mr Speaker resumes the
On Motion that a Clerk to the Lower House be made Choice of,
Mr Tilghman, Mr Denton, and Mr Hanson, are severally proposed
for that Office; and the Question being put, whether the House will
make Choice of Mr Tilghman ? it was resolved in the Affirmative.
Mr Nicholas Goldsborough and Col. Henry are ordered to acquaint
his Excellency with their Choice of a Clerk, and to desire his Appro-
bation thereof: They return and acquaint Mr Speaker they delivered
their Message, and that the Governour was pleased to approve of
the Choice.
Mr Nicholas Goldsborough and Col. Henry are sent to the Upper
House to see Mr Tilghman qualified, as Clerk of this House: They
return and acquaint Mr Speaker, that they saw the Clerk take the
several Oaths to the Government reqiured by Law, sign the Oath
of Abjuration, repeat and sign the Test, and take the following Oath
of Office :
You William Tilghman do swear, that as Clerk of the Lower
House of Assembly, you shall true Entries make of all such Matters
and Things, as by the Honourable Speaker for the Time being, and