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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 633   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 633

Filing Bill of Cost,

5 1 4th

Every Respit and Continuance,

5 1 4th

Session Laws

Copy of the same,

5 1 4th

For every Order,

4 2 4ths

Execution and Return,


A Copy of Recognizance,

7 2 4ths

For special Bail,

3 3 4ths

For every Indictment, per side,

4 2 4ths

A Writ of Enquiry of Damages,
at per side, and so pro rato,

4 2 4ths

A Copy of the Pannel,
For recording the Verdict and

2 1 4th

For entering an Appeal,
A Return of a Certiorari, and
Copy of the Record, per side,
Entering a Writ of Error,
Every Oath,
Proving a Deed or Writing,

4 2 4ths

4 2 4ths
4 2 4ths

4 2 4ths

Appearance thereto,
Entering the Judgment,
Execution of the Judgment,
A Copy of Indictment per side,
Filing a Plea,
Confession of Indictment,

14 1 4th
12 3 4ths
4 2 4ths
5 1 4th
5 1 4th

A Copy of the same, if required,
per side,
Recording the Mark of Cattle

4 2 4ths

Chancery Proceedings in County
Entering Motion and Order,
Entering and signing Decree,
Filing Costs,

4 2 4ths
14 1 4th
5 1 4th

or Hogs,
Taking Acknowlegement of Land


Copy Costs,
Affixing the Seal to any Tran-

5 1 4th

in Court,
Recording a Conveyance of

5 1 4th

script or Certificate,
And for every other Service not

5 1 4th

Land, per side,

4 2 4ths

herein mentioned, per side, and

Allowance of Habeas Corpus,

4 2 4ths

so pro rato,

4 2 4ths

For all searches the first Year,


And be it Enacted, That the several County Justices, in their re-
spective Counties, at the Time of assessing the County Levy, shall,
and they are hereby impowered and directed to allow the Clerk of
each respective County the Sum of Two thousand Pounds of Tobacco
yearly in their County Levies, in lieu of, and for full Satisfaction
for Warrants to the Overseers of the Highway, Constables War-
rants, taking and making Indentures of Orphans, assisting in laying
and for apportioning the County Levy, and all other Services to be
done for their respective Counties, and by Order of the Justices for
the Time being; and all the respective County Clerks within this
Province for the Time being shall, and they are hereby obliged to do
all the said Services, and such others, for the Use of the respective
Counties, as shall be required by the Justices of the Peace of each
respective County, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter,
for and in consideration of the Allowance aforesaid.

to said
Clerks in
the County
Levies, for
other Duties

To the Sheriff

Serving Writ and Bail Bond,
Collecting the Public and County


1 4th

For swearing the same every



Dues, for every hundred,


Executing a Commission of Re-


Collecting Officers Fees, for
every hundred,


survey, per Day,
Impannelling a Jury,


For every Commitment and Re-

Summoning Evidences to prove



the Bounds of Land, for each

Impannelling a Jury,
Serving Scire facias, including


Person summoned,
If impowered to swear Jury and


2 4ths

the Person summoned,


2 4ths

Evidences, for every Oath,


Serving Citation,


2 4ths

Every Non est inventus returned,


2 4ths

For keeping a Prisoner in Cus-

Serving a Subpoena,


2 4ths

tody, and finding him Victuals,

For an Arrest on a Warrant,


1 4th

during the first Month's Im-

For serving Duces tecum,


1 4th

prisonment, per Bay,


Return on an Attachment,


2 4ths p. 34

For every Days Imprisonment

For laying an Attachment in any

and Victualling after the first

Garnishee's hands, for each

Month, per Day.
Serving a Writ of Possession,


2 4ths
2 4ths

That for all Goods and Chattels


Serving an Ejectment,


which any Sheriff shall At-

For electing Burgesses, if a

tach and take into his Pos-

whole Election, and so pro

session, or wherewith he shall

rato, for one or more,


be chargeable, and which shall

Serving an Attachment of Con-

be condemned, the same Fees



2 4ths

allowed as on Executions.

Serving Writ of Estrepment,


Returning Fieri facias, or Re-

Serving Ne exeat Provinciam,


plevin, each,


2 4ths

Serving a Copy of Declaration,

Then the same Fees allowed as

or short Note,


2 4ths

upon Attachments, the same

Summoning Appraisers to value

fees allowed upon any Distress

Goods taken by an Attach-

made for Rents.

ment, or Fieri facias for each

Returning Writ Returno ha-

Appraiser summoned,


2 4ths




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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 633   View pdf image (33K)
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