626 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747
Session Laws
the Inspection and Nails, for every Hogshead; that is to say, three
Shillings down, and four Shillings and six Pence when the Tobacco
shall be delivered out. And the Inspectors shall sell all Transfer
Tobacco, which shall not be so received and marked, on the second
or third Day of holding the Court of their respective Counties, in
the Month of November, yearly, by public Auction, in their County
Courts respectively held in that Month; and shall pay the Money
arising by such Sale, in Satisfaction of their Notes, from time to
time, to the Proprietors thereof making their Demand; under the
same Penalty as is inflicted, for not paying Inspectors Notes.
Frauds in
selling only
Part of the
how pre-
And for preventing Frauds that may be practised, by selling only
Part of such Tobacco not received as aforesaid, Be it Enacted, That
all Inspectors shall, in ten Days before November Court in each
respective County, yearly lodge with the respective County Clerks
where they shall officiate, an Account upon Oath, of all the Transfer
Tobacco at that Time in their Hands, before the same shall be ex-
posed to Sale: And all Inspectors shall keep a just and true Account
of the Tobacco gained or saved, upon the Allowances made for Cask
or Shrinkage of Transfer Tobacco; and if any Tobacco shall be so
gained or saved, shall exhibit an Account thereof upon Oath, or
Affirmation if a Quaker, in the same Manner as is before directed,
concerning Transfer Tobacco not received; and shall also sell the
Tobacco so gained and saved, in the same Manner as is before di-
rected for the Sale of Transfer Tobacco, and shall account for the
Money arising by such Sale to the Justices aforesaid; and no Inspec-
tor shall convert any Tobacco so gained or saved, to his own Use.
Rents, &c
how to be
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
Inspectors shall annually, in November Court, after the Sale of the
.Transfer Tobacco, and one Day before the laying of the County
Levy, account with the Justices of the respective Counties upon Oath,
or Affirmation if a Quaker, for all Moneys received, or which ought
to be received, by them, by Virtue of this Act (except the Money
paid for Nails), for every Hogshead of Transfer: In which Ac-
count they shall be allowed their Salaries, the Rent for Warehouses,
and other necessary Disbursements, in Pursuance of this Act.
Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, that nothing therein contained shall affect such Tobacco as shall
be made at any Time before the first Day of December, One thou-
sand seven hundred and forty-seven, but that the same may be
shipp'd or otherwise disposed of, as the Proprietor thereof shall
think proper, Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker, being made by the
Proprietor of such old Tobacco, or Overseer, or other credible Per-
son, that the same was made before the said first Day of December,
One thousand seven hundred and forty-seven; which Oath, or Af-
firmation, may be made before any one Justice of the Peace, and
p. 29
such Justice giving Certificate of the Mark and Number of the Hogs-
head, or Hogsheads, of such old Tobacco, the same may be taken on