614 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
Session Laws
shall not be nominated and recommended in pursuance of this Act,
shall forfeit and pay five Pounds Current Money for every such
Offence, one moiety to the Informer, the other moiety to the uses in
this Act mentioned, and to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill,
Plaint, or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of
Law, shall be allowed.
Provided always, That no Vestry-man or Church-warden, who
shall be an Inspector, or who shall be nominated or recommended to
be one, shall have or be allowed, so long as he shall be an Inspector,
any Vote in the Nomination or Recommendation of any other In-
spector or Inspectors; and that where any Person or Persons shall
be appointed in pursuance of such Nomination and Recommendation
as already mentioned, and thall afterwards and again be nominated
and recommended to be an Inspector or Inspectors for the ensuing
Year, such Nomination and Recommendation shall be a sufficient
Power to such Inspector or Inspectors to be and continue in the
said Office, without any further Appointment, and so, from Year
to Year, so long as he or they shall be nominated and recommended
as aforesaid.
Oath to be
taken by
and Church-
And be it further Enacted, That every Vestry-man and Church-
warden, shall take the following Oath before they proceed to the
Nomination or Recommendation of any Inspector or Inspectors,
to wit, I A. B. do Swear, that I will faithfully, honestly and justly,
nominate and recommend such Person or Persons to be an Inspec-
tor or Inspectors, as I think in my Judgment and Conscience is or
are fit and capable to execute the Office of an Inspector or Inspec-
tors. So help me God.
Sheriffs to
receive a
of the
of Inspec-
And be it further Enacted, That notwithstanding any thing in
this Act, it shall be the Duty of the Sheriffs within this Province
to receive from the Vestry-men and Church-wardens, or their Regis-
ter, a Certificate of the Nominations or Recommendations of any
Inspector or Inspectors, provided the same be delivered to the Sheriff
or his Deputy within six Days after such Nomination and Recom-
mendation; and that such Sheriff or Sheriffs shall cause such Nomi-
nations or Recommendations to be transmitted in the same Manner
as other public Letters are or ought to be dispatched, directed to the
Clerk of the Council; and that such Letters be indorsed for his Lord-
ship's Service.
the Owners
of Lands
where the
are to be
p. 21
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices
of each respective County within this Province shall, with all possi-
ble Speed, make Enquiry who are the Proprietors or Owners of the
Ground, whereon the Warehouse or Warehouses within the respec-
tive Parishes are directed to be built; and then direct their Clerk to
issue a Note in Writing, to the Sheriff of the respective County, who
is hereby required to serve the same, thereby signifying to such
Proprietors or Owners, or his or her Guardian, Husband, or Attor-