594 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
be summoned, as if the Witness was present, and should deliver his
or their Testimony viva voce; any Law, Custom, or Usage, to the
contrary notwithstanding. Provided always, That if any such Wit-
ness shall wilfully and corruptly swear or affirm falsely, that then
and in every such case he or she shall be liable to the same Prosecu-
tion, Penalty and Forfeiture, as Persons guilty of, or committing
corrupt and wilful Perjury, are liable to.
p. 7
Times for
holding the
Courts, &c.
And be it Enacted, That the next Provincial Court shall begin
the third Tuesday of October next after the End of this Session of
Assembly, and not before; and that all Actions now depending in
that Court, of what Nature soever, shall be, and are by this Act con-
tinued until the said third Tuesday of October; and that all Writs,
Process, and Precepts already issued, or to be issued, out of the
Provincial Court, shall be returnable to the said third Tuesday in
October; and that all Sheriffs, Coroners, and other Officers, that
have arrested, or shall arrest any Person or Persons by Virtue of
any Writ, Precept, or Process, returnable to the said second Tuesday
of September next, shall be under the same Obligation to have the
Party arrested at Annapolis the said third Tuesday of October:
And that all Bail-Bonds taken, or that shall be taken for the Appear-
ance of any Person or Persons at the Provincial Court, to be held
the second Tuesday of September next, shall be discharged by
Appearance of the Party or Parties, the third Tuesday of October
next, and forfeited and assignable for the Non-Appearance of the
Party or Parties then, as if such Writ, Process, and Precepts, were
then returnable.
To be held
at Annapolis
And be it further Enacted, That the Provincial Courts shall be
held, during the Continuance of this Act, on the third Tuesdays in
October and May, yearly, at the City of Annapolis.
Part of an
Act Repealed
And be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent afore-
said, That that Part of an Act of Assembly entituled, An Act caus-
ing Grand and Petit Jurors to come to the Provincial and County
Courts, and ascertaining their Allowances, made at a Session of
Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the twenty sixth
Day of April, Anno Domini seventeen hundred and fifteen, which
relates to summoning Grand and Petit Jurors to attend at the Provin-
cial Courts, be, and is hereby repealed and made void.
since the
last Provin-
cial Court,
to be tried
at the
And whereas, since last Provincial Court, sundry Persons have
been committed for Crimes and Misdemeanours by them done, and
Witnesses have been bound over to testify against such Persons at
next Provincial Court; Be it therefore Enacted, That all such Com-
mitments and Recognizances, returnable before the said Provincial
Court, shall be obliged to be returned by the respective Magistrates
taking such Recognizances before the Judges of Assize, in the re-
spective Counties where the Offences have been committed, and the
Offenders and Witnesses be obliged to appear by Virtue of said
Recognizances accordingly.