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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 508   View pdf image (33K)
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508 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 46

On Motion of a Member, that a Bill may be brought in, to en-
courage the making of Hemp and fflax within this province and to
Repeal all former Acts of Assembly made for that purpose; Leave
is given: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare and bring
in a Bill accordingly.

On motion of a Member, that a Bill may be brought in for Issuing
Writs of Replevin out of the County Courts of this province, Leave
is given. Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare and bring
in a Bill accordingly.
On Motion of a Member, that a Bill be brought in to Raise a
fund for providing Arms and Ammunition for Defence of this
Province, Leave is given: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws
prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.

Mr Goldsborough, from the Committee of Aggrievances, delivers
to Mr Speaker the following Report, viz.

By the Committee of Grievances, and Courts of Justice, May 19.
Whereas it is Represented to your Committee, that Mr James
Richards, an alien, Born out of the Kings Allegiance within the
Dominions of ffrance, hath been appointed and Commissioned Sheriff
of Baltimore County, and the said Richards hath not been an Inhabi-
tant within any of his Majesty's Plantations of America, for seven
years, nor Naturalized under the Statute of the 13th of Geo: 2d
entitled, An Act for Naturalizing such foreign Protestants, and
others therein mentioned, as are settled, or shall Settle, in any of his
Majesty's Colonies in America, that appears to your Committee;
therefore your Committee humbly conceive, that by the Laws and
Statutes of England, the said James Richards, tho' naturalized by
any Act of this province, is not qualified for such Office, and humbly
take leave to Refer your Honourable House to the Statute of the
7th and 8th of William 3d Chap. 22, Sect. 12th the 12th and 13th of
William 3d Chap. 2. Sect 3d the 1st Geo. 1st Chap. 4 Sect 1, and 2.
Your Committee Resolve, that the appointment of Aliens and
Strangers, into Offices of profit and Trust, in the Courts of Justice,
and other places, in prejudice to his Majesty's Liege Subjects, his
Lordships Tenants, residing within this province, is Contrary to
Law, and an Aggrievance, and contributes to Alienate the good
affections of the people, from his Lordship, his good Rule and Gov-
ernment; but is humbly Submitted to the Consideration of your
Honble House. Signed per Order Wm Wilkins, Clerk
Which Report was Read, and Referred for Consideration in the
The House adjourns to Two of the Clock.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 508   View pdf image (33K)
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