506 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
Col. Tasker and Col. Lee, from the Upper House acquaint Mr
Speaker, that the Governor Requires the attendance of the Lower
house in the Upper House.
Mr Speaker left the Chair, and with the members of the Lower
House, went to the Upper House, when his Excellency made the
following Speech, (See page 454)
p. 686
Mr Speaker, and the other members, returned to the Lower House.
Mr Speaker resumed the Chair
It appearing to the House, that Mr John Dennis one of the mem-
bers for Somerset County, hath accepted the. Office of Sheriff of
Somerset County.
Ordered, That Mr Speaker Issue his Warrant, directed to the
Secretary of this province, to make out a New Writ of Election, that
the free Voters of the said County may proceed without Delay, to
make Choice of a Delegate to Serve in this Assembly, in the room of
the said John Dennis
The House Continues the Several Committees, with the several
Clerks, as were last Session.
Resolved, That the Hours of sitting, during this Session, be from
nine o'Clock in the morning until Twelve, and from Two in the
afternoon until six
Ordered, That Mr Dulany acquaint the Reverend Mr Gordon,
that he is desired, by the House to Read Divine Service, Morning
and Evening, during this Session
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare an Address to the
Governor, on his Speech.
The House adjourns til Monday Morning 9 of the Clock.
May 18
Monday, May 18. 1747
The House met according to adjournment, Mr Philip Hammond,
Dr Buchanan, Capt Harrison, Mr Brome Col. John Hall, and Mr
John Stoddert, appeared in the House
Mr Hammond from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr
Speaker an Address to the Governor; which was read, approved, and
ordered to be Ingrossed
The following Address, vizt.
To his Excelly Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland;
The Humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Excellency
We very gladly Embrace this Opportunity of congratulating your
ffamily's safe Arrival among us, and return your Excellency our
hearty Thanks for your kind Speech at the opening of this Session.