Read the first and Second time by an Especial Order in this House
Passed and Sent to the Lower house by Col Hammond
An Engrossed Bill from the Lower house by Messrs Gresham &
Handy Entituled an Act for the assesment and Payment of the Pub-
lick Charge of this Province thus Subscribed 11 July 1747
Read and assented to by the Lower house of Assembly
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl LoH.
Read and Assented to by this house & ordered to be so Subscribed
the Paper Bill so Engrossed is sent to the Lower house by Sam :
Chamberlain Esqr
Messrs Loyd and Dulany from the Lower house acquaint his Ex-
cellency their house hath no Business before them.
Edmund Jenings Esqr and Co! Tasker are sent to the Lower
House to acquaint the Speaker that his Excellency Requires his im-
mediate attendence with the Lower house in the Upper house to see
the Laws Passed Both houses this Session Receive the Assent
The Lower house attended by their Speaker Present to his Excel-
lency the following Bills Viz.
No Ist An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco for prevent-
ing frauds in his Majestys Customs & for the Limitation of Officers
2d An Act for the Tryal of all Maters of fact in the Several
Counties where they have Arisen or shall arise.
3d An Act to Remedy some Preceedings in the Court of Charles
County & to prevent the Removal of the Records from the Publick
4th An Act to Remedy some Defects in an Indenture of Bargain
and Sale made and Executed by Michael Curtis and Sarah his wife
Late of Saint Marys County Deceased to Charles Carrol Esqr Late
of the City of Annapolis Deceased
5th An Act to Prohibit the Raising of Swine and Geese in
Princess Ann Town in Somerset County.
6th An Act to Prohibit the Raising of Swine and Geese in Ox-
ford Town in Talbot County