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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 487   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 487

in that Court of what Nature soever shall be and are by this Act
Continued until the said third Tuesday of October next, and that all
Writts Process and Precepts already issued or to be issued out of
the Provincial Court Shall be Returnable to the said third Tuesday
in October and that all Sheriffs Coroners & other Officers that have
Arrested or shall Arest any Person or Persons by Virtue of a Writt
Precept or Process Returnable to the Second Tuesday of September
next shall be under the same Obligation to have the Party arrested
at Annapolis the said third Tuesday of October; and that all Bail
Bonds taken or that shall be taken for the appearance of any Person
or Persons at the Provincial Court to be held the second Tuesday
of September next shall be Discharged by the Appearance of the
Party or Parties the third Tuesday of October next and forfeited
& Assignable for the non appearance of the Party or Parties then as
if such Writts Process and Precepts were then Returnable
After the word Void, in the Tenth Line of the same Page add
these words, And Whereas Since Last Provincial Court Sundry
Persons have been Committed for Crimes and Misdemeaners by
them done, and Witnesses have been bound Over to Testify against
such Persons at next Provincial Court, Be it therefore Enacted that
all such Commitences and Recognizances returnable before the said
Provincial Court shall be Obliged to be returned by the Respective
Magistrates taking such Recognizances before the Judges of Assize
in the Respective Counties where the Offences have been Committed,
and the Offenders and Witnesses be Obliged to appear by Virtue
of the said Recognizances accordingly
After the word, Proviso in the 10 Line in the 13 Page put the
words Provided that all Causes where in issue in fact was joyned
and which could not be Tryed at the Last Provincial Court and
which were therefore appointed to be Tryed at an Adjournment of
the said Court before the said next Court in Course shall be Tryed
at the next Assizes, and the Posteas returned to the next Provincial
Court and Judgement rendered thereon and that all other Causes to
be Tryed at the said Adjournment and all Rules and Orders of Court
which were to be Complied with at the said adjournment shall be

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

Complied with the first Week of the next Provincial Court and also
that where any Cause or Causes wherein by the Course of the Court
an issue or issues ought to be joyned and Tryed the next Provincial
Court that all such Cases shall and may be Continued untill may
Court 1748 and that the said Causes shall and may be Tryed at
April Assizes in the Year last mentioned
After the word, Payable, to the End of the Bill to be left out and
the following Words inserted, This Act to Continue untill the first
day of November which shall be in the Year of Our Lord 1748 &
no longer, sent to the Lower house by Edmund Jenings Esqr
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock.

p. 192

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 487   View pdf image (33K)
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