Adjourned till three of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning with the addition of Col Loyd
A Bill from the Lower house by Messrs Dashiel and Barnes Enti-
tuled an Act for the Tryal of all Matters of fact in the Several Coun-
ties where they have arisen or shall Arise thus Entered
By the Lower house of Assembly 22d May 1747
Read the first time and Ordered to lay on the Table
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl. Lo H.
By the Lower House of Assembly 27 May 1747
Read the Second time and will Pass
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. H.
A Bill from the Lower House by Messrs Wootton and Bayard
Entituled an Act for issuing Writts of Replevin out of the County
Courts of this Province, thus Endorsed
By the Lower house of Assembly 21 May 1747
Read the first time and Ordered to lay on the Table
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo H.
By the Lower House of Assembly 27 May 1747
Read the second time and will Pass
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. H.
Read the first time in this House and Ordered to Lay on the Table
Adjourned till the Morrow Morning ten of the Clock