Mr Speaker and the other Members Return to their House. Mr
Speaker resum'd the Chair
on Motion of a Member that Mr William Tilghman the Present
Clerk of this House was Willing to Resign the Office to Mr Michael
The house Accepted this Resignation and made Choice of Mr
Mr Key and Mr Richard Gresham were ordred to Acquaint his
Excellency that this house had made Choice of Mr Macnemara for
their Clerk and desires his Approbation. They Return and Acquaint
Mr Speaker they deliver'd their Message and that the Governor Was
Pleas'd to Approve the Choice
Messrs Key and Richard Gresham were sent to the Upper House
to see Mr Macnemara Qualified as Clerk of this House they Return
and Acquaint Mr Speaker that they saw the Clerk take the several
Oaths to the Government required by Law Sign the Oath of Abju-
ration and Repeat and sign the Test and take the Following Oath
of Office Viz.
You Michael Macnemara do Swear that as Clerk of the Lower
House of Assembly You shall true Entrys make of all such Matters
and things as by the Honourable Speaker for the time being and that
House shall be to you directed, the secrets of the said House you shall
not Divulge to the Prejudice of the House or any Member thereof
but shall in all things as Clerk to the said House well and truly
Demean Yourself According to the best of Your knowledge, So help
you God.
Colonl Edward Sprigg one of the Agents appointed by an Act of
Assembly Entituled an Act for Issuing and taking out of the Office
of the Commrs or trustees Appointed for Emitting Bills of Credit &c.
the sum of 4500tt Current Money for Encouragement of such able
Body'd Freemen as shall Voluntarily enlist themselves into his
Majestys Service for the Intended Expedition against Canada &c,
Lays before the House the following Accot
p. 662