410 Assembly Proceedings, June 17-July 8, 1746.
Session Laws
County Court may hear and finally determine the Matter; and either
suffer such Ordinary-keeper to keep Ordinary longer, or entirely to
suppress such Ordinary.
keeper to
Liquors &c.
during such
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person so suspended shall presume, during the Time of such Sus-
pension, to keep Ordinary; that in all such Cases, he or she shall
incur the same Penalty and Forfeiture as Persons keeping Ordinary
without License are subject to by this Act.
Penalty on
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any
Ordinary-Keeper disabled or suppressed as aforesaid, or any other
Person that shall presume to keep Ordinary, without License first
had and obtained as aforesaid, shall, for every Month he, she, or
they shall keep Ordinary, forfeit and pay ten Pounds current Money ;
and so proportionably for a longer or shorter Time that any Person
shall sell Liquors, or do contrary to this Law; one half to the Com-
missioners or Trustees aforesaid, to be collected and paid by the
Sheriffs as aforesaid, and by the said Commissioners or Trustees
applied as aforesaid; and the other half to him or them that shall sue
for the same; to be recovered in the County Court where such Offense
shall be committed, in the Names of the Lord Proprietor and In-
former, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information; wherein no
Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, to be allowed.
And on
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no
Person or Persons inhabiting within this Province, not having law-
ful License, shall sell by Retale, unless sold at the common and
usual Rates of such Liquors between Merchants and others, any
Cyder, Quince-Drink, or other strong Liquors, to be drank in his,
her, or their Houses, or about his, her, or their Plantation, upon
the Forfeiture of, every Time he, she or they shall be legally convict
thereof, the Sum of five Pounds Current Money; one half thereof
to the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, to be collected, paid,
and applied as aforesaid; and the other half to the Informer, or to
him or them that shall sue for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid.
keepers to
Sell by
p. 14
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
licensed Ordinary-keepers shall be provided with, and sell by sealed
Measures all Liquors (except such as shall come into the Province
in Bottles); and that any Ordinary-keeper who shall neglect to pro-
vide, and always keep a Quart, Pint, Half-pint, and Gill Pot, or
any of them, sealed Measures, and neglect or refuse to sell by the
same as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay five Pounds current Money
to the Uses aforesaid, to be collected and applied as aforesaid, and
recovered in the County Court where the Ordinary-keeper offending
resides, in the Names of the Lord Proprietor and Informer, bv Action
of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information; wherein no Essoin, Protection,
or Wager of Law, to be allowed.
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