278 Assembly Proceedings, March 12-March 29, 1745/6.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
That the Wall of the Prison Yard is crack'd from the Top to the
Bottom, in the Southeast Corner thereof; and the Pump and Well
Frame in the said yard are quite rotten.
All which is most humbly submitted to the Consideration of this
Honourable House. Signed per Order, Wm Wilkins, Clerk.
Which being read, the House concurs therewith.
Maj. Sheredine, from the Committee appointed to inspect the
Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting Bills of
Credit established by Act of Assembly, delivers Mr Speaker the fol-
p. 571
lowing Report. ( See page 247. )
Which being read, the House concurs therewith.
Col. Hammond from the Upper House, delivers Mr Speaker the
Bill entituled, An Act for raising 4d Sterling per Hogshead on all
Tobacco to be exported, for purchasing Arms and Ammunition for
the Defence of this Province, Indorsed (See page 250.)
With the following Message. (See page 250.)
p. 572
Which, with the above Amendments, proposed by the Upper
House, being read, the Question was put, Whether this House will
agree to the said Amendments ? Resolved in the negative.
For the Negative
Mr p. Hammond Mr Wilkinson Mr Paca
Carroll Lloyd Buchanan
Worthington I. Goldsborough Wootton
Hen. Hall Hooper Addison
Smith Ennalls Stoddert
Mackall Pearce T. Hammond
Jos. Hall Hyland Hopper
Courts Bayard Tilghman
Smallwood Sheredine
Harrison John Hall
For the Affirmative
Mr Key Mr Stoughton Mr Gordon
Bond King Dulany
Mills Dashiel Henry
Barnes Dennis Purnell
I. Gresham Lecompte Robins
R. Gresham Lee Scarborough
Mr Hammond from the Committee of Laws delivers Mr Speaker
a Bill entituled An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act for
raising and issuing money, for maintaining his Majesty's Forces, to
be raised in this Province, and for transporting them to the Place of
Rendezvous in the West Indies, so far as relates to the regulating