2 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Edmund Jenings Esqr and Colo Hammond are sent to acquaint
the Lower House his Excellency requires their Attendance in the
Upper House immediately
The Members of the Lower House attend and his Excellency re-
quires them to return to their House and make Choice of a Speaker
Messrs King and Colvile from the Lower House acquaint his Ex-
cellency that their House hath made Choice of a Speaker
Colo Hammond and Colo Lloyd are sent to Acquaint the Lower
House that his Excellency requires their Attendance in the Upper
House to present their Speaker for his Approbation
The Lower House attend and present Colo Edward Sprigg to his
Excellency as their Speaker who is pleased to approve of their Choice
and then made the the following Speech